Life in progress


Just Jot It Jan 27 – Extraordinary

I decided today was going to be an extraordinary day, and it was! It started with coffee, and then I had more coffee, and then I took my mother out for coffee… It was extraordinary!

What really made my day, other than coffee, was a rare opportunity to help out a friend by giving her a break from looking after her son this evening. It’s not often I’m in a position where I can do more than take care of myself and my kids, so it was a treat for me to feel like I was giving back for a change.

Here’s to extraordinary days – and to posting before midnight! Gotta hurry up. Luckily I have all this coffee sloshing around inside me.


Thanks very much to Kelli for our prompt today! If you didn’t catch it, it was “extraordinary”! If you haven’t had a chance yet, please pop over and say hi to her. Here’s her link:

You can read all the posts for this prompt here: Check it out and join in!