Life in progress


What Day Is It Anyway? Tuesday, February 8th, 2022

I’m writing this WDIIA post in hopes I’ll remember it’s Tuesday and therefore, tomorrow is Wednesday and I have to write a One-Liner Wednesday post before I go to bed tonight.

I could be writing and scheduling that post now, I guess…

But then where would I be? Probably confused again.

Let’s face it: it doesn’t take much.

Oh, hey! Did you vote for my book and my series yet? I’d really appreciate it if you would. 😀 I stand to win the Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewers Choice Award Here’s the link: Thank you! *throws you cookies*

I was supposed to have taken Alex to a dentist appointment today in Ottawa, but I postponed it to March. First, because the clinic is in a hospital and I don’t want to go into a hospital right now unless I can’t help it, and second because I don’t want to have to stop anywhere on the way there and the way back. The drive is three hours one way. That’s if there aren’t any convoys slowing things down.

And don’t get me started on the convoys.

I used to work in the area they’re currently occupying. My bus stop was right outside the parliament buildings. It’s usually a nice place to visit …

Yeah, don’t get me started.

I need coffee.

Do you know what day it is?


The Blogging Habit

I always find it difficult after a month-long stretch of blogging to stop posting every day. I don’t know if it’s the momentum or just the fact that I love to write, to get my thoughts out there, or if it’s the sense of community that I miss.

Last time I felt this way, I just kind of stuttered to a stop. I had days at the end of last year when my daily views barely made double digits. I’d like to endeavor not to let that happen again this year. Then again, when you don’t get out much, it’s hard to find things to talk about.

I’ve gotta get out more, too.

In the meantime, Bee has a great prompt going on this month called “Love Is In Da Blog,” to celebrate the month of February: the month of love. She’s doing a musical theme this year, and it looks like fun! You can check her post for today, including tomorrow’s prompt, here:

In other news, you might have figured by the lack of jumping up and down with glee on my part that neither my book nor my series won the Paranormal Romance Guild’s Reviewer’s Choice Award this year. But that’s okay. The Magician’s Blood came in third out of six entries, and The Great Dagmaru (the series) came in third out of five. It was an honour to be nominated at all out of the hundreds of books the Guild reviews every year. And I’m that much more grateful that The Magician’s Curse won in 2017.

Congratulations to all the 2018 winners! 🙂

And there you have my compulsion to blog satisfied for today.

I have to say, it feels weird not to finish off a post with a badge and a link.

Okay, here’s Bee’s again. Don’t forget to visit her!


It’s the final day to vote!

As you may have heard, my novel, The Magician’s Blood, is up for the Reviewer’s Choice Award this year, a contest held by The Paranormal Romance Guild.

I’m extra excited to be able to say the whole series, “The Great Dagmaru,” has also been nominated for an award!

This is a quick reminder that if you haven’t already voted, today is the day to do it. The winners will be announced on Thursday.

All you need to do is be signed in to your Google account and click the following link to vote. And please don’t forget to vote for the book and the series.

Thank you so much!!



The Magician’s Blood is up for an award!!

I’m so excited! Not only has The Magician’s Blood been nominated for the Reviewer’s Choice Award by the Paranormal Romance Guild, my entire series is up for an award too!

The PNR Guild is arguably the place to go to find excellence in paranormal romance. I was so happy last year when The Magician’s Curse won in the category of Gothic romance. This year, they have me in Fantasy-Demons, Devils and Angels, which actually fits better with the sub-genre of the second book.

But in order to win, I need your help. All you have to do is be signed in to your Google account and then go to the following link and vote:

My categories are about a third of the way down the page. Make sure you vote in both categories: once for the book and once for the series. You only get one chance to vote per Google account you own, so make it count! Voting ends on January 29th.

I’m thrilled to be nominated! So much so, that to celebrate, I’m going to drop the price of The Magician’s Blood to 99 cents for one day only–tomorrow, which is my birthday!!

Your support is appreciated immensely!


The Magician’s Curse – Award-Winning Novel


The Paranormal Romance Guild has announced the winners of their Reviewer’s Choice Awards, and my novel, The Magician’s Curse, came in first place! It’s a bit surreal to be able to call myself an award-winning author. I don’t think it’s really sunk in yet.

Linda Tonis, senior reviewer for the Paranormal Romance Guild wrote:

I literally read this book in a few hours since I found it hard to put down. This is a story filled with magic, curses, sex, romance, secrets and surprises so how could I not love it.

To read the full review, click here.

Thanks so much to the Guild for nominating me, and thanks to everyone who voted for me!

If you haven’t read The Magician’s Curse yet, here are the links.

On Kindle:
Amazon US
Amazon Canada
Amazon UK
Amazon Australia
and Amazon where ever else you are in the world, as well as
Kobo worldwide.
or get the paperback on Amazon.