Life in progress

My Neighbourhood


I love old houses. Today while I was slogging away on my paper route (it’s the big one on Thursdays – flyer day) the sun came out, even though big flakes of snow were fluttering down. Unfortunately the snow didn’t show up well in the picture, but I did get a shot of one of the many 100+ year old houses I deliver to.


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

16 thoughts on “My Neighbourhood

  1. Beautiful as that style of house is it always looks haunted to me!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  2. I love old houses too! There is something very surreal and romantic about being in one. Makes me want to go back in time and watch how the dwellers went about their daily lives. Very humbling too when you think about all those people and how they are not there anymore. Some stories live on, while others have ceased to exist…


  3. Not so many old houses where I live. Though my town is very old so there is lot’s of really big and remarkably well preserved castles and huge rambling monasteries in my town. Walking through town is like living in the 11th century, no matter where you are you can see a towering castle. Pretty cool actually.


  4. I like old houses too. They have so much history to tell.


  5. I, too, love old houses! The older the better! The details, the artistry, their formidable quality. (I wish you’d taken more photos, but I wouldn’t want you arrested.) 😉


  6. Here’s another old house lover. This is a handsome one.


  7. I too love old houses. I suppose that comes from a boyish fascination with castles and towers etc. Nice shot of that one.


    • Thanks, Dave. I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t have my phone on me all the time. hehe
      I, too, have a fascination for old castles. The ones I’ve been in in England were wonderful. So much history…


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