Life in progress

WordPress’s Own Welcoming Committee – HarsH ReaLiTy


When I started blogging I had no idea what I was doing. I roamed around WordPress marveling at all the people who seemed to have something to talk about. I knew I had words inside me that I wanted to get out – but how to start was the biggest question, followed closely by, how do I get anyone to read what I’ve written?

So I began, rather lamely I might add. A few people followed me, most of whom when I looked at their sites were simply trying to sell something.

I read up on a few hints from WordPress themselves; things like click on people’s avatars and follow them, or comment on other people’s blogs. It didn’t get me too far, but it was a start. Then one day, someone who called himself “Opinionated Man” followed me. I made one of my bolder attempts at commenting on his site, particularly frightening as that was since he had something like 1,000 followers. 1,000! Just imagine! I didn’t for a second expect a blogger with stats like that to reply to my comment.

But he did.

Following his blog, and his lead, I began gaining confidence in myself as a blogger. I found out it was okay to be at the top of the commenter’s list on my own stats page. (Silly me thought that was a faux pas – an egotistical nightmare if there ever was one.) But most of all, I discovered through HarsH ReaLiTy that there was such a thing as the WordPress community.

Now Jason, author of the blog HarsH ReaLiTy, follows as many new bloggers as he can. The ones who take heart from what may be their first follow and click on his site may at first be a little overwhelmed. But the ones who take their time and read what he has to say rather than judge him at first glance for his numbers and his moniker, are indeed lucky to have found him.

I’ve come to think of Jason as the one-man welcoming committee for WordPress. While his motives may not be readily apparent, there is nothing on his site that cannot be learned from, whether it’s how to get fifty comments out of a single sentence, or how to go about expressing your own opinion no matter how badly received it might be. Any one of us can follow his example and succeed. Which is not to mention the advice he gladly dispenses in the articles he’s worked hard to compile for us, his followers.

I honestly can’t imagine a WordPress without HarsH ReaLiTy. Thank you, Jason, on behalf of myself and all the people you have shown the way. You’ve built something truly great, and upheld it with grace, a well-toned funny bone and a set of opinions that are undeniably all yours. Thank goodness one of them is that it is gratifying to help others discover what you enjoy – blogging.

Find Jason by clicking here. Enjoy!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

75 thoughts on “WordPress’s Own Welcoming Committee – HarsH ReaLiTy

  1. Beautifully written… OM in a nutshell, for sure! 🙂 ♥ ❤


  2. I loved is post on something that had to do with blogging without a team..
    He sure knows how to put that spike of encouragement on your sit..
    I hope wordpress becomes wiser than this..

    And bless you dear for your own work.
    Just followed you, hope you follow back.
    And a big S/O to scarlet too, a woman that know how to do what she does.
    Great community you guys have going for you.
    I hope I somehow get infused..

    I need all the assistance I could get.


  3. Pingback: Save HarsH ReaLiTy!! | lindaghill

  4. I had a brief stint with him and ended up offloading him, he and I were disagreeing over something, and he got quite ranty, as did his followers, I still get comments from his fans, that must have been 8 months ago now.


  5. Now I consider you my welcome wagon!! Thank you for making me feel at home!!


  6. I too started out not knowing what I am doing. I still don’t know everything and am trying to learn. I am still amazed that I have as many likes and followers as I do. I do enjoy writing now and then. Don’t have much to say sometimes, but hey… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Yes indeed. He is a gem underneath all that bluster! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Somehow I found you, not sure how but glad I did… very delightful blog you have created which I’ll enjoy returning to… OM is great isn’t he… take care, Barbara

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks, Linda, for the post and thanks, OM, for everything you do to help out other bloggers. I found many of the blogs that I follow, including Linda’s, through comments or re-blogs/guest posts on HarsH ReaLiTy.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I agree with you! I reblogged this on Thanks for your post!


  11. Reblogged this on The Voices In My Head and commented:
    I completely agree!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The story of my recent blogging is very much like you describe yours OM included. He really understands how all this stuff works! His tips are really useful and work!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Totally agree about what OM does for the blogoshpere. Now, I see I am going to have to allocate more time in delving through your blog. ::Groans:: And, I am going to wind up losing another day to keeping up with what you have out already.

    By any chance do you know where I can find the extra hours in the store? That would be so helpful! ::Scurries off to start digging::

    Liked by 1 person

    • The extra hours store? It’s right next to the More Sleep Shop. You know, the one with the money tree outside.
      Thanks for the comment, K. 🙂


      • Oh, that’s what that dead tree is supposed to be! Some how I managed to miss the shop – I just subsist on short sleep, but the extra hours are getting to be kind of critical. Now I know where to start looking for them.

        Thanks for the reply. Now, it’s time to vanish off to where ever it is that my muse hides all day, and see if I can actually get the WIP caught up to where it should be for the first time since I can’t remember when.

        ::Sighs:: Guess I forgot to take my ginko today, I haven’t been able to remember anything.


  14. Reblogged this on lightningbooksbyagmoye and commented:
    I second this article on Jason.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. OM is a pretty amazing guy, I love his Blog and his wittiness , I was shocked when he wandered over to my blog and left a nice comment, I can be found snooping through his blog on an almost daily basis, not only is he very welcoming to new bloggers, he also provides a wealth of “how to” info on his blog, WordPress needs more Jason’s and when I figure out how to find new blogs I am going to follow his lead and begin welcoming new bloggers as well, we can all pay it forward and make the blogasphere a better place.


    • Jason’s attitude toward blogging and welcoming people into the world of WordPress is a wonderful thing to aspire to. If you’d like to go looking for new blogs, just go into your reader and search for the tags, “new blog” and “first post.” That’ll give you a good start.
      Thanks very much for sharing your experience! 🙂


  16. Yeah, I agree…he’s not only entertained but got me thinking from the beginning about the very social nature of blogging. Has made for a completely different experience in blogging this time around…I actually miss it now when I haven’t been able to carve out time to blog/read blogs…you have the same impact I can see…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. 🙂 It’s rare for me also to come away from HarsH ReaLiTy and not spend time contemplating what I’ve read. But that’s really how he gets the best out of people – and their comments as well. He’s great at what he does. 🙂


  17. Reblogged this on HarsH ReaLiTy and commented:
    Thanks for the kind words Linda. 🙂
    Note: Comments disabled here.


  18. Great article. I really enjoy reading posts on HarsH ReaLiTy. The very honest opinions Jason writes about are often thought provoking and entertaining. Does anyone know how to find new blogs and bloggers? Variety is the spice of life and it’s great seeing what others have come up with.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. A great post. I had a similar experience very recently. Jason reblogged one of my articles. Within 6 hours, my blog had the most amazing day, stats wise, and the article he reblogged received 70 likes. New followers also came of it.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. OM has definitely helped me. Then again, so have you, even if you did not know it!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Great post Linda! Every word is true and Jason deserves the accolades for sure. I agree he is Word Press’s one man welcoming committee.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Reblogged this on The English Professor at Large and commented:
    Thank you, Linda, for posting this. Jason has helped many,many people.

    Liked by 2 people

  23. Linda, thank you for posting this accolade to Jason. He deserves every word. He was one of the first bloggers I met. I bought his first book, and he was kind enough to thank me and offer any help he could give. He has a huge heart! I’m going to re-blog because it should be seen by everyone.

    Liked by 3 people

    • As much as he resists admitting it, he does have a huge heart. His kindness has gone a long way to helping, I’m sure, thousands of bloggers in need of advice and guidance, and in a way that is entertaining – just like a cherry atop a sundae. 🙂
      Thanks again for the re-blog!


  24. Keep it up!

    Liked by 3 people

  25. I’m going to keep an eye on his feed. Sounds interesting.

    Liked by 4 people

  26. WordPress should pay him real money for all the good things he does for people.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Jason was literally the second person to follow my blog. And I’m glad for the newbie welcome. It’s been a year, now, and I continue to be grateful to be connected to OM. And while I make every effort to thank Jason when he has been a help to me, what you may not know is that you hold a similar place in my heart as a warm (funny, talented, etc.) welcoming committee. Watching you and Jason interact helped me to *see* Jason more clearly. Your mutual friendly banter, concern for a free voice, and love of the written word is a clear example of hard work made light by friendship. Oh, and you two make me laugh. Often. Priceless. So, thank you too, Linda. I’m glad to know you ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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