Life in progress

JusJoJan 30 – It’s a Blogaversary!


It’s kind of official! I began seriously writing on my blog two years ago today! To celebrate, I wanted to do something special – an experiment of sorts. Please bear with me while I explain.

A number of years ago I worked as a bookkeeper in an office where, whenever someone had a birthday it was their job to bring in a couple of dozen donuts for everyone to eat. It was a great way to make sure everyone pitched in, it was fair and it was fun, and we got a lot of laughs out of it.

Since it’s my blogaversary today, I’d like to throw a party in my comment section. It’s going to require some effort from you. The benefit is that you’ll get to chat and maybe even meet someone new!

What I propose is this: I’ll comment first. When you comment, say hi to the person in the comment below yours. EDIT: Please comment and then reply to the comment below yours after yours is posted. If you know the person already, ask them how the weather is, what’s new, whatever. 🙂 If you don’t know them, ask them where they are in the world, or how they came up with their blog’s name – anything you can think of. You can even go visit them if you’d like, or share a link! And don’t stop there. Talk to everyone in the comment section! I’ve extended the “reply” button to 7 comments deep, but if you need more, just let me know. It might be a good idea to follow the comments by clicking the(paraphrased) “notify me by email when there’s a new comment” box.

Let’s get to know each other! 😀 And have a virtual donut!

OH, and one other thing: It’s my good friend Joey’s blogaversary too! After you’ve commented here, click the following to say congrats to her!

JJJ 2015

Wow! Only one day left!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

216 thoughts on “JusJoJan 30 – It’s a Blogaversary!

  1. I didn’t get in on any of the long party chats, but I did take the opportunity to visit lots of new-to-me blogs and put out some follows. Hope WordPress doesn’t get mad about it…


  2. Happy belated blogivrsary!


  3. Happy Anniversary – Congratulations on your great achievement!


  4. Happy Anniversary, Linda. I haven’t bothered to count years. I probably won’t until I feel that I’m established with one title and one general topic. 😉

    I like this idea. This will be fun and don’t take a lot of time. 😀


  5. Congratulations, Linda. Many happy Blog-returns. Very smart idea!


  6. Happy Blogversary Linda 😀
    Saw this quite late and since its already bedtime I am still hazy with the instructions 🙂 will check it out tomorrow Good night all.


  7. Oh the party already started! Happy blogaversary Linda, looking forward to your future post. Hmm not sure how to do this, but am the last one on your comment so not sure who will be on next?!


  8. Happy Blogaversary – yesterday! That’s what happens when you subscribe to blogs by daily email; you are always a day late.


  9. Happy Blogaversary!!! To many, many more years of wonderful posts!!! 🙂


  10. I’m always late to the party! But I never pass up an opportunity for a donut (or a doughnut 😉 with a side of conversation. Congratulations on the blogaversary 🙂


  11. Good morning and a very happy Bloggerversary!! Two years of fun, sorrow,rants and nose hair. I love it here and this party is a great idea!! xxx


  12. Congrats on the your blogaversity let me just get the fireworks set up.


    • Hi nearlywes how are you. Its good to meet you. Where are you from I am from southern England. It is snowing here and for us it is very cold. 🙂 what are you up to this weekend.


      • Hello Willow I am doing great, it is nice to meet you as well also. I am originally from Indiana which is all corn, but now I reside in New York. It’s pretty cold here as well, but that is New York for you. For the most part I have a birthday party, for me personally though I am working on touching up my first chapter of my novel before I put it on wordpress. What about you?

        Liked by 1 person

        • Well Nearlywes I was born in London … No corn there. Now we live outside of London just to the west, not far from Windsor and only a train ride away from London. I have three sons all grown and left home I even have a grandson! I love blogging and I started a novel but it is on the back burner now as I do not have a lot of spare time. I do wish you good luck with the book. I look forward to seeing it on your blog. xxx


    • Thank you so much, Wes! I love sparkly things!! 😀


  13. Happy blogaversery Linda! Félicitations ! I’m thrilled to be part of this party for one of my heroine bloggers 🙂 hopefully I manage to reply to the correct post. By the way, I had to laugh because I’m typing this on an “i” thing and the stupid autocorrect wanted to change “blogaversery ” to “blog adversely !” Hahaha 🙂 anyway two years, it’s awesome!


  14. Two years of awesome! I lift my coffee mug to you! =D


  15. Happy Blogaversary! Virtual hugs all around. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Excellent! A virtual birthday party! I see Doobster’s already here – he always manages to get to the parties before I do (darn it). But I have my glass of not-virtual wine, so I’m all set.

    And now, my reply to Dan Antion, whom I have never met: As a resident of Buffalo, NY (generally referred to as the snow capital of the eastern United States), I’m enjoying the fact that your area of the eastern seaboard got hit with this last storm instead of us. Not that I wish blizzard conditions on anyone, mind you, but we Buffalonians had our fill with the 8 feet of snow we got in November. Stay inside and stay warm, Mr. Antion, and when you’re snowed in, you could maybe spend time reading my blog as well as Linda’s (hint, hint). I’m going to check yours out, too.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. This appears to be harder than you made it seem in your instructions. Happy blogaversary. OK, I got that part right. Now, am I supposed to chat-up Joey? I already did that today, she’s having an anniversary too. Well, I’m over here in Connecticut. It’s cold here. Heading to 2f tonight with a windchill advisory. I have been enjoying your blog Linda as well as the SoCS prompts. I tried JustJotJan but I failed. Maybe next year.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Hello Doobster. Sorry, I forgot the numbers. I am Patty from ‘ I am not Sick Boy.’ Where are you from? How is the weather there?

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Congratulations on your two year blogeversary! I hope you have many more years of blogging. 🎂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. First of all happy blogaversary. Second, I’m confused. Your instructions said, “Say hi to the person in the comment below yours.” I’m not sure how to do that, as I’m at the very bottom of your post and there is no comment below mine. At least not now. There may be when it’s posted, as I believe you post your comments in reverse chronological order, which is, in the words of Mr. Spock, totally illogical. But be that as it may, there is no person in the comment below this, my comment.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I feel like I’m not going to do this right. I think it might be math, or maybe spatial…
    Anyway, thanks for the shout out and happy mutual blogaversary to us. I spelled mine differently. I hope it’s not a faux pas…I hope made up words can be spelled a myriad of ways.
    I maybe had a lil too much caffeine, Linda. 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  22. I’ll respond to Geoff, but first, congratulations on the blogaversary Linda!!!
    Geoff, I’m in San Diego so quite a bit warmer than most places, although it’s “cold for us” today at a rainy 62F. I’m found at Three’s A Herd (rgemom is my moniker, my real name is Donna). What started you blogging?


  23. Let’s add the UK to the mix of US Canada and Oz. I’m sitting in the dark, trying to finish a post and come here and am immediately distracted. Agh! But congrats on two fertile years blogging Linda and on the range you cover. And I feel a babe compared to JcCee and Summerstommy2 – a mere eight months. Hope you are all warmer than we are just now.


  24. And congrats on your blogaversary, Linda!


  25. What a great idea! I hope this isn’t just for jusjojan, since I didn’t participate, and not sure if I’m doing this right, but I’m jumping in and responding to JcCee. I see we have at least two things in common: our education/careers in mental health and working toward better physical health. I’m curious if J and C are your initials and what part of the world you are living in. (I’m on the Carolina Coast.)


    • Not just for JusJoJan at all. 🙂 Thanks for joining the party, JoAnne! 😀


    • Hey Joanne
      I just checked out your blog. It is great to meet someone you have some things in common with. That is a great question about the initials. My name is JcCee and it is pronounced Jaycee. My mom name me after my grandfather. I am originally from Mississippi but for the past year, I have been living in San Antonio, Texas.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I love interesting and different names. They show that some one was willing to think outside the box. So many people are moving to Texas, and the southern US in general its seems. Happy health to you, JcCee!


        • Yes, my mother definitely use the outside of the box mentality….I love it though. Yes, that is true about many people moving to Texas. It does have a lot more opportunities in it compared to the state I moved from. I am loving it so far. Thanks so much!! And same to you, Joanne! 🙂


  26. Congrats on your blogaversary! I have enjoyed your blog every since I have been on here, Linda 🙂


  27. Well as I live in tomorrow I guess it can be me Linda. Congrats on the two years, that’s a great achievement and a super strong show of resilience to maintain the high standard for so long, as well as entertaining me each week.


  28. Who’ll be first to the party? 😀


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