Life in progress

F is for Forefather


Up until now, the word “forefather” has always seemed a little redundant to me. Of course after I turned to it in my thesaurus as my word of the day, I looked it up to get a little more insight on what exactly it means, but in the past I was all like, “of course it’s a FOREfather. Can’t really be an AFTERfather, can it? Dad has to come first unless someone’s discovered the secret to time travel – and going down that road is just ewww…” *thinks of that episode of Futurama in which Fry discovers he’s his own grandfather* But now I’ve discovered it means every papa that came before dear ol’ dad it makes a little more sense.

I’ve never been much into family trees. I know I came from somewhere and while it would be nice to know whether or not I descend from royalty (my kids’ behaviour sometimes indicates that I actually may), since it doesn’t much help me one way or another I don’t really care enough to go delving. I understand there are cultures that are way into knowing where they come from and I think that’s very cool. Information like that, passed down through generations and not having to be discovered from scratch would be quite useful at times. Then again, finding out your predecessor was a dirty rotten scoundrel might be equally as disconcerting.

Before I sign off on this post I really REALLY have to mention one of the synonyms I found for “forefather.” I’m going to start using it any chance I get – it’s so cool. Ready?


Seriously! Doesn’t it sound like some sort of awesome Transformer! Imagine, traveling back in time and meeting up with this ginormous dude made of space-aged plastic who bends down, and roars in a heavy, digitally enhanced bass, “I AM YOUR PRIMOGENITOR,” (with emphasis on the OR) and then picks you up and starts bouncing you on his knee.

Here’s a visual:


I’m happy I have primogenitors! Aren’t you?

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

35 thoughts on “F is for Forefather

  1. Haha! I said “I am your primogenitor” in a Darth Vader/Transformer voice as soon as I read the word, then I continued reading and literally ‘laughed out loud’! šŸ˜‚


  2. Yes indeed as I wouldn’t be here without them.
    I look forward to future posts Linda with you using primogenitor with reckless abandon.


  3. So maybe now you have your “P” post too!


  4. I’m with you on the family tree. Even though parts of it may be very interesting, I’m afraid that others may be too interesting. Perhaps I’d find that my family tree is missing too many limbs.


  5. I always thought a forefather was a dad who spent all his time on the golf course.


  6. Speaking of forefathers and primogenitors (great word btw) I haven’t gone too far back in our line of ancestors, but it would be interesting. One thing that caught my attention about your blog from the first is your name. Don’t know if it is your maiden, married, or even your real last name, but before marriage, mine was Hill… so… who knows, maybe we have some of the same forefathers? šŸ˜‰ Anyway, I’m enjoying your alphabetical posts!


    • Hill is my maiden name. I’ve had a few married names over the years but after much confusion over who the hell I’m supposed to be, I threw up my hands and said enough. So yeah.
      There are a lot of “Hill”s in the area I live in. Apparently it’s a pretty popular Mohawk name. Neat to know you were born with the same one too!
      Thanks very much, Madamoiselle Hill. šŸ˜€


  7. A couple of years ago I learned the word Progenitor, meaning ‘direct ancestor’ when I read an article in the UK Daily Telegraph about how Spain had introduced a new system of recording for birth certificates.
    In order to avoid discriminating against same-sex couples, ‘Father’ was replaced with ‘Progenitor A’ and ‘Mother’ with ‘Progenitor B’.

    I far prefer your Transformers story!


    • Yeah, I saw “progenitor” there as well in my thesaurus. But primogenitor? Now that’s impressive. Haha!
      Thanks, El! šŸ˜€ I hadn’t researched what the word meant – now I know!


  8. Love that Futurama.


  9. When I taught in Kentucky, I asked the kids where there ancestors are from. “Kentucky.” I did get a Tennessee. Then I asked where in Europe. “We’re not from Europe!” With that pasty skin color, you are most certainly European. Anyway, my ancestors had a castle šŸ˜€ And then the duchess ran away with a stable boy…. Which is good, because the peasants revolted and I believe killed her dad.


  10. Yes, that does sound Transformer-like! Love it šŸ™‚


  11. Primogenitor – I love that word, and the visual you provided. Of course my mind went there anyway, because clearly the transformer would be a Prime šŸ˜‰


  12. Oooh primogenitor, what a fabulous word! As far as my ancestors go, there are too many people ‘born on the wrong side of the blanket’ to be able to trace very far back!


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