Life in progress

EM is for Merciful


Merciful is how I strive to live my life. When I consider the synonyms: Compassionate, forgiving, generous, kind and sympathetic among others, it just makes sense to me to try to be these things.

I’m not a Christian of any particular kind. I’m not even sure I believe in God, though I’m not adverse to the idea that there is more than we can see in the universe that is plain to our mortal senses. I don’t believe in the concept of karma as it relates to an eye for an eye. I believe in existence. I believe that it’s something we all have, whether we’re of this race or that, whether we’re human, animal, insect or herb. We are all equal in the fact that we live – we, all of us, affect one another in at least some small way. I also believe that we have choices in this life in how we exist. The sick can be happy – the healthy miserable. We can make the best of what we have to deal with, no matter what it is. Or we can dwell on that which is not ideal.

But what can we do for each other? If we all strove to ease one another’s existence, how wonderful would the world be? Yes, there would still be challenges; existence cannot be free of pain. Sometimes a smile, a helping hand, or a compassionate ear for someone who needs to talk things out can make all the difference.

I don’t need a God to tell me these things. I don’t need a proscribed belief system at all. I just need to be and to recognize that so does everyone else. Equally.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

18 thoughts on “EM is for Merciful

  1. It was interesting to read your post about being merciful because Pope Francis has just issued a document to celebrate a Jubilee year, with the focus being on mercy. While this is obviously a Catholic declaration, Francis – and many other Christians – look on mercy as a universal value, as you describe here. Francis has been particularly diligent in reaching out to all people of good will, whether those people belong to a spiritual/faith tradition or not, because of the universality of the need for mercy, love, and peace.


  2. Ummm, sounds like you have been pondering Linda.


  3. Very good post Linda 😀


  4. Never ceases to amaze me the power of a smile.


  5. I agree. Respect, live and let live, and help whoever you can. Sounds like a good religion to me 🙂


  6. I do believe in God, but I also believe that you are right. I think that the majority of people are good and want to treat others well and be treated well in return. There is much we can do for others to help them have a better life.


  7. Makes sense to me.


  8. Beautiful words eloquently spoken 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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