Life in progress

SoCS – Some Respect, WordPress?


I haven’t been online much in the last 12 hours so this might be the dozenth post you’ve read about the subject of the banner pasted at the top of your stats page here on WordPress. If you’re already sick of hearing about it, by all means skip this. I just feel like saying something.

When Canada passed the same law to allow same-sex marriage nationwide ten years ago I was both happy for gay couples and proud of my country. That lasted about five minutes – it’s not a decision that affects me personally. And yet today I’m stuck with a reminder of something that still doesn’t matter to me on a personal level. Yes, it may seem petty to complain but it’s such a non-issue. Fantastic – people who are deserved of rights are given it. Yay! But why should I be forced to be reminded of it? And what about the hundreds of thousands of people who don’t agree?? I can easily see bloggers dropping WordPress like flies over this – where’s the sense, WordPress?

Let’s put it in a bit of perspective, shall we? What if they decided once and for all to abolish abortion nationwide in the U.S.? Would we be forced to look between the legs of women giving birth for the sake of those it desperately matters to? Or if Quebec chose finally to separate from Canada – how would Americans feel about having the Fleur de Lis plastered atop their stats page? It would be, after all, a huge deal to a certain percentage of North America.

To be honest, I go through the same sort of feeling during election time in the U.S., having to scroll past news of who said what about whom on my Facebook page – but at least I can scroll past it. At least the very site I belong to (Facebook) isn’t putting it there themselves. What’s more, I don’t pay to have a site on Facebook as I DO on WordPress.

Get rid of the rainbow, WordPress!

This rant is part of SoCS: Please join in and write whatever comes to mind!

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

64 thoughts on “SoCS – Some Respect, WordPress?

  1. I for one am bothered by it. There’s a double standard at play. While people celebrate gay pride- that is being gay…. you don’t see this happening with heterosexuals. If I were to go out and celebrate my heterosexuality I’d be called a whore, slut, and whatever degrading term there is for it. As a result I have taken what some consider a crude / rude position- “You’re gay, you’re open about it….. So what? All of society doesn’t need to know. And it doesn’t make you special.”


  2. I’m not entirely sure the rainbow on wordpress was about the US Supreme Court ruling. I think it may have been for the Gay Pride weekend events, which took place in multiple countries around the world. Granted not all countries, but quite a few…


    • Even so, imagine with all the controversy over saying “Merry Christmas” if they’d displayed a nativity scene on our stats pages… As far as I can see it’s the same difference.


  3. Sorry but I am one of those who love it. I know it should be apolitical etc, but it means the world to me. Here in Ireland we recently voted for same sex equality by referendum. My brother is gay and wrote two pieces on my blog which clearly demonstrate how deep this goes. I am still overjoyed remembering that wonderful day when the result was passed and my brother, my childhood companion knew this small catholic country with so many bad things in it’s past voted to fully accept him as an equal. The banner makes me believe anything is possible and that there is a lot of good in the world.
    However I do totally understand your reserve on the foisting of it upon you. Each time I look at it it brings me joy, just as each time you look at it it annoys you.


    • Good for you, Tric, and I say that most sincerely. I wouldn’t mind a bit if they had given me a choice in the matter. I do fear losing friends over it, in the sense that they won’t blog anymore… it’s a serious matter to some, in both directions.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Where is/was the support for the Confederate flag? Nowhere, not here, Google or anywhere else that I could find. Also, I do not agree with the SCOTUS decision to make it legal for gays to be married. I am not homophobic in any way, to each his own as long as you don’t try to force your beliefs on me. The same sentiment goes for that silly rainbow at the top of the page. I don’t agree with it but yet I am forced to either endure it or stay off of WordPress. I tell ya, I am sorely tempted to go completely self hosted and totally shut down my entire WordPress account.


  5. I simply want my blue banner back. I do not need to have any political, social or religious message forced upon me. My blog is about photography and I have no need for any sort of rainbow banner on my site. WordPress has handled this matter very poorly. They keep closing threads on the forum, saying it is not the place to discuss the topic; yet, they feel it’s alright to put the rainbow banner in front of everyone’s face and don’t give anyone the option to take it down. I had one of their “volunteers” berate me about how many times i posted about the topic, but never seemed to have thought about how wordpress just put up a contentious symbol on everyone’s blog without their consent. I have lost all respect for WordPress.


    • It’s awful that they won’t address the matter in the forums. Isn’t that where we’re supposed to go if we have a problem with the site? And so they’re saying “Yay, everyone in this country has the choice to marry, but no, the bloggers on WordPress have no choice but to have it shoved in their faces whether they like it or not.”
      Indeed, they’re handling it poorly. Thanks for adding your comment to this thread.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree. I think the whole issue revolves around the percentage of the LGBT community that throw their sexuality in the public arena and demand recognition and gold stars for being so brave. The truth of the matter is that the majority of the population doesn’t give a rat’s ass what you do in the privacy of your own home. I think it is unfortunate that they feel a need to first be identified by their sexual preference, and secondly as a person. It’s a sad thing to live like that in my opinion. I applaud the decision to allow marriage to all people regardless of sexual orientation. I do not agree however that I am expected to and indeed obligated to show that support directly or indirectly. It should be my choice to do so.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think it’s true that we don’t care about other people’s bedrooms as much up here as they do in the U.S. And yes, we should have the choice to support or not support it, just as homosexuals should have the choice to marry.


  7. I agree Linda. Get rid of the damn thing and don’t put up another (not even for St Patrick’s day or any other thing that WP management feels we all give a damn about).

    Liked by 1 person

  8. [ Smiles ] If you are having a problem with that rainbow you can always join me over at Blogger.

    I think that WordPress should have made the rainbow banner optional, since there are those who do not adhere to the LGBT beliefs and lifestyle.

    Have you tried asking the Happy Engineers to remove it from your blog?


    • I’ve tried Blogger and been resoundingly ignored over there. But thanks for the invitation, Renard.
      It should be optional – I’ve heard through the grapevine that they refuse to discuss it on the forums, so the decision to put the rainbow there must have come from higher up…?


  9. I don’t pay attention to the pages outside the ones you get to from the old dashboard, anyway, but like you, I don’t like to be forced to celebrate anything, regardless of whether or not I’m happy about it. It’s the same with days like St. Patrick’s Day or Valentine’s day. There are people who are into that kind of thing, and that’s great, but I’m not. (St. Patrick’s Day is the one day I tell people I’m English. So was St. Patrick, by the way…)


  10. Pingback: Stream of Consciousness Saturday: Some/Sum. | willowdot21

  11. I had no idea about this either. I know all the talk can get a bit too much after a while, but I try not to let things like that get to me. It is strange, though, that they would do this. Hmmm.


  12. I was kind of surprised to see it, myself. I feel supportive of the Supreme Court decision, but I appreciate that there are many who do not feel the same way. For them it might be kind of a slap on the face, or gasoline on the fire. And then there are those like you who are just not interested. Take it down, WP.


  13. This is funny. When I saw the rainbow banner I thought WordPress had changed their page decoration. I did not even connect it with the Supreme Court ruling. I think it is a good thing. Equal rights and all that. I wish the US would hurry up and pass the ERA for women.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I agree, the forced rainbow banner is not a very civil move by WP and will inflame an already inflamed issue. Just a bit of feedback as an American, many of us are horrified not at the prospect of allowing gays to marry which I actually favor but the unconstitutional way it was forced on the states. It’s hard to explain to folks not familiar with our political system but one if the staples are the independence of the three political branches and their ability to check the power of each other, along with states rights which this latest decision by the Supreme Court did great damage to. Most of the states had already sanctioned gay marriage through the democratic process of allowing its citizens to vote on it which is the most peaceful and constitution abiding way to go about these things.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I’ve seen the rainbow across people’s profile pics on FB, but I don’t know anything about WordPress. Linda, I agree our country was the first to open that door to same sex marriages. I still remember the day Elton John and David Furnish got married in Quebec. On a side note I nominated you for a quote challenge. Come and check it out here. 😊


    • I remember that too! I was living on the Quebec side of the river at the time. 🙂 Thanks so much for the nomination – I’ll come and check it out. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh that would’ve been fun to see all the excitement generated at that time. We’re you in Hull? I loved that side of the bridge such amazing food. You’re welcome thank you for participating, it’s fun and easy. 😊


  16. On Facebook, you can “rainbow” your cover page photo. I agree, Linda, yay for gay marriage (now my brother and partner can be married)! But you are right, since WP is a world community, the rainbow on the main page bar can be gone now.


    • Yay for your brother! I’m so happy for them and for so many people this affects. 🙂 I fully support anyone who wishes to celebrate in public. But as for the rainbow on a page only I can see, I’d rather not, thanks.
      Thank you for sharing your good news, Terri! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. …And there’s no longer a “How can we help you?” popup where we can register a complaint. Coincidence? I think not.


    • That actually only shows up when there’s someone available to chat I believe – it’s like “call now, the phones aren’t busy.” I imagine the phones are very busy today. 😛


  18. I am happy about the ruling, but I agree with you. Since WordPress is an international community, why should something that happened in the U.S. take over the WP site? It’s actually an embarrassment that this country finally did something that other countries have already done. Hopefully, it will be gone by tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can understand that it was a very hard decision for the U.S., considering much of the culture there. Weighing against the prospect of widespread revolt, whether justified or not, I’m sure is at least in part what held the government back for so long.
      That being said, I hope so too. Thanks for your comment, Gloria. 🙂


  19. Sorry, but this means nothing to me.
    Explain please.

    (Not the gay marriage thing, the WordPress thing)


  20. Personally I find it good for the people, who have lived with not being allowed to live, how they wished to. Where I come from, it has been allowed for many years. I think this is okay for me to celebrate for the people in United States, who will benefit from this new law.


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