Life in progress


#SoCS – Heartburn, a poem

My heartburn is horrendous

Stomach to lips

Hurting me


I don’t know what causes it … stress, maybe? But it’ll go away, sometimes for a few days and then it’s back with a vengeance. And I don’t think I eat anything different on those days. Maybe I do the day before, though, and it’s a delayed reaction. Is that a thing with heartburn?

Probably the stress.

This poetic post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the following link and join in! It’s fun!


#SoCS – Almost perfect

I had an appointment booked for yesterday morning. I booked it about two weeks ago.

Then last week, my daughter-in-law asked me if I could drive her to an appointment about an hour away on the same day – yesterday. At first I said I couldn’t, but then I asked what time her appointment was. It was late in the afternoon. So I said I could do it.

Then Alex started complaining of a toothache on Thursday night (the day before yesterday), so I said I’d call the dentist, knowing for sure I’d have to cancel an appointment if he could get in.

Yesterday morning at 9:00 I called the dentist. They had an appointment available smack dab in the middle of the other two.


I made it to three appointments yesterday with no problem.

… okay, so maybe it wasn’t complete perfection.

I didn’t make it home as early as I hoped I would because I had to wait for the sun to go down before I could drive. It would have been shining right in my eyes on the highway.

Because there was a perfect sunset.

This almost perfect post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the following link and join in! It’s fun!

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If you haven’t voted, do it now!

As I write this we have a three way tie. There’s still time left to vote on your favourite Stream of Consciousness Saturday badge.
Click here and vote now!!


Please vote for the new SoCS badge here!

It’s after midnight and all the entries are in for the new Stream of Consciousness Saturday badge contest. We have five fantastic badges to choose from! Anyone can vote: make yours count!

I’ll name them all to make it easier for voting purposes. Here are the contestants in order according to their entries:

My Leaky Boat with “Flowers”:

Owl Wonder with “Splash”:

Irene Design with “Gems”:

Nearly Wes with “Sun Rays”:

Ever Changing with “Waterfall”:

Please be sure to check them all out before you vote!

Poll is closed.

The poll will be open for one day: the results will be posted on Friday, August 14th before the Friday prompt for this week’s SoCS is posted.

Best of luck to all our wonderful contributors!


Calling all artists, photographers, and badge-makers!

There’s a contest going on right now to design a badge for my weekly prompt, Stream of Consciousness Saturday! The winner will have his or her artwork posted numerous times every week, along with a mention/link to his or her blog as the designer of the badge.

For the contest rules, click here:

This contest closes on Wednesday, August 12th at midnight, Eastern Daylight Time (-5 hours GMT), so get designing or please spread the word via re-blog!

Thanks so much. 😀


Just a quick note of thanks and an apology

First, I’d like to say thank you so much to everyone who participated in SoCS today. We’ve almost hit the record number of posts – two more and we’ll have beat the previous record of 21. I so appreciate everyone making this weekly event a success! You’re all awesome!!

My apology is to all of you who have posted today whose posts I haven’t read and to all of you who have left comments that I haven’t answered. My sight is incredibly blurry tonight, so I think I’ll close the computer and hope tomorrow is better.

Goodnight world, and pleasant dreams to all.


The Friday Reminder and Prompt for SoCS March 8/14

Hello to my Stream of Consciousness Saturday friends and to all who wish to join in the fun this week!

As well as a reminder for tomorrow’s event, I’d like to share a minor update. As it turns out, I’m not able to automatically approve pingbacks in my comments, so if I’m not at the computer when you ping your post, it won’t show up. Consequently I’ve added to the rules, suggesting that after you post your SoCS article, you comment here: with a link to your Saturday post, so others can see it right away – otherwise it could be hours before anyone comes to visit and sees how awesome your post is. Note that I’ve set up my comments so the most recent is on top, so you won’t have to scroll down too far to visit other contributors posts for the current week. If you have any questions, or if this is as crazy confusing as I think it might be, please leave any questions you have below.

Here is this week’s prompt: In your first sentence, include a quantity. Any number from one to a gazillion, or any conceptual number, i.e. “many,” “few,” “a lot,” or even “once” will do.

Have a once-over of the rules by clicking on the link above if you’d like, and then off you go. I’m looking forward to reading all your contributions!

Edit: It’s been brought to my attention that if you link your Saturday post back to the Friday prompt (i.e. this post) then everyone will be together in each individual week. We’ll try that this week and see how it goes. So tomorrow, when you post, add this link to your article:

Hopefully we’ll get this ironed out before the month is up! Thanks for your patience. 🙂


Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS) Start with a Verb

Kicking and screaming is how they’re going to have to pry my cell phone out of my cold dead hand.

Okay, not really. But seriously, I’m not sure I could live without my cell phone. But it’s not only me, either.

Consider this: When I was young (a teenager) I used to go out with my friends. (Of course.) I’d have a curfew and my mother would be sitting in the kitchen waiting for me to come home. She made sure I had a dime in case I needed to call. I’m sure she must have sat by the phone as well.

Now (these days), when my son went out (he’s moved out now) I’d not have to sit by the phone – it would be in my pocket. He didn’t need a dime – he had a cell. I knew that at any given moment he could call me without needing to look for a payphone.

How did our parents survive back then? I’d be worried poo-less!

I can’t imagine having to go through all that waiting, and wondering, and worrying about my kids. I don’t worry as much about my own safety now either.

I suppose it prepared my mother for when I went to Japan by myself – I didn’t have a cell phone then. But in Japan I felt very safe.

Anyway, I’m starting to ramble. That’s what SoCS is all about though.

What do you think? Could you live without a cell phone? Would you let your kids out of the house at night without one?


See the rules of Stream of Consciousness Saturday here: and come and join in the fun!! 😀