Life in progress

Hashtag Poll – We Need Your Vote!


As you may know, after The Great Twitter Fiasco of last week (read about it here if you haven’t already) I decided that we need a new hashtag for One-Liner Wednesday. There were some fantastic suggestions but only four of them turned up to be already unused. (The most popular ones in the last post’s comments–#1LW and #OLW are the most used of all. OLW is for both “Operation Live Well” and “Only Living Witness,” neither of which I feel strong enough to take on … particularly the witness one…)

So here are the ones we can vote for:

Sandra J. Jackson’s #1__erWed
John Holton’s #1linerWeds
Pamela’s #Your1lineWed
or Willow’s #lindas1linerWed

The Poll

I’ll close the poll before I post this week’s One-Liner Wednesday. If there’s a tie, I’ll decide.

Let’s do this thing!! Vote now!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

6 thoughts on “Hashtag Poll – We Need Your Vote!

  1. Voted! And read about the twitter thing too. Sad 😦


  2. Pingback: #1linerWeds | lindaghill

  3. Pingback: ONE-LINER WEDNESDAY: My Brother’s Observation (#1linerWeds #1_erWed #lindas1lineWed #lindas1linerWed) | The Sound of One Hand Typing

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