Life in progress

#SoCS – Strangely Enough


Strangely enough, I’m still tired after sleeping until 10am (thanks, Alex for letting me lay in) and so I’m writing this while I wait for my tea to steep. I’m a bit picky about how I make my tea. I used to have a teapot, but it broke and I haven’t bothered to get another one. So I have this cup that came with a lid and a plastic basket for the tea bag that I use all the time. I still always put the milk in first, even though I’m pouring boiling water over the tea bag in the cup. (I can hear all you teaophiles gasping. But I’m halfway there, aren’t I?) It makes a pretty decent cup of tea.

I find it strange how things work out sometimes too. For instance, as I already noted, I woke up at 10, which means I didn’t start Alex’s first feed on his feeding pump until 10:20. The feed takes about 2 hours to go through, so he finished his breakfast at 12 or so. He’s having his lunch now, at 3:46pm, which means it’s going to be a late night for me as he’ll want to go out trick or treating before he has his dinner. BUT. I’m hanging on to the fact that we have an extra hour tonight. It’s like a gift from the g-tube god. Or the clock god. Or maybe it’s some sort of spooky Halloween god-type-vampire who goes around giving rest instead of taking blood. Or something. Did I mention I’m tired?

I went for a walk with, Alex, my best friend John, and his two young granddaughters today.  There was an elderly gentleman walking a little dog (we were on the path that runs along the water) and the two girls ran up to the man and asked if they could pet the dog. It both amazes and scares me how easy it is for little children to run up and talk to strangers. I do say hello to people I pass on the trail all the time, but at least I’m more than two and a half feet tall and weigh more than 40 pounds.

Anyway, now I’m rambling and my tea is ready. I’ll leave you with a pretty picture of the water though, that I took a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy!


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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

18 thoughts on “#SoCS – Strangely Enough

  1. Love beautiful wanter pictures, even if I can’t see them. Water is a favourite of mine.


  2. I am glad you got a sleepin. It sounds like you really need it.


  3. Wonderful story and picture Linda. Thank You.


  4. Its good you get to walk in such a beautiful place.


  5. Life is indeed ‘strange’, strange is especially welcome when it’s a ‘good’ strange, such as yours 🙂 Lovely picture.
    I’ve written a short Halloween story with the prompt this week. I bent the rules slightly and did a little more revision than I normally would, being a literary piece. Thanks for the prompt, it jolted my imagination, with the Halloweeny atmosphere of the day 🙂


  6. Happy Halloween! And whoopy an extra hour of sleep. No more daylights savings time for a few months. Yay! 🙂


  7. Beautiful photo. Sounds like a very busy day. Enjoy that extra hour.


  8. Beautiful picture. I miss seeing the fall foliage from the east. I hope you have a Happy Halloween, in spite of being tired.


  9. That is a gorgeous photo Linda. I love tea, and drink gallons of it; I think we all have our own way of making it as I make it with milk last (if just using a teabag rather than a pot), but Mr Grump always puts the milk in first!


  10. I also slept in, and it was GOOD! I make tea in cups, but each winter, I think, wouldn’t it be nice to have a large pot of tea? We use our kettle, Evelyn, for all sorts of things, so she can’t be a teapot. One day, I will find the perfect ceramic teapot, and then I won’t ever get off the sofa again, lol!
    Our kids are trick-or-treating with other people. It’s the best Halloween ever! 😀


  11. Yeah, kids are sometimes too friendly. I remember my ex-boyfriend’s little girl would just go up and talk to anyone. And that is a really beautiful picture 🙂


    • It’s why we have to teach them about stranger danger. :/
      Thank you, Jeanne. I’m glad you like the photo. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Nah, strangers are way less likely to hurt kids than non-strangers. I once had a cashier chastise my daughter for being too friendly which was just ridiculous. Now everywhere I go I get compliments about how lovely and well behaved my kids are. You can teach kids boundaries and let them be super friendly at the same . 😊


  12. Strangely enough I agree with you children do make friends too easily!!


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