Life in progress

Unclobbered – #SoCS


Usually, and this year is no exception, we Canadians are sitting around waiting to be clobbered by the freezing cold that comes with January. The year is exceptional however for the fact that we haven’t yet been clobbered by a load of snow. We are (many of us) snowless. Decidedly unclobbered.

This was taken November 4th.


This was taken yesterday in the same stretch of park.


See how green it is? It’s neither red nor white. It’s green.

Waiting to be clobbered by the cold is similar to sitting in the waiting room at the doctor’s office, knowing you’re about to get a needle. Only the needle lasts for several months rather than several seconds. Because it really is painful. -40 degrees on your face feels like a whole face full of needles. When it reaches the fingers it burns. Even your nose hairs revolt and freeze into teensy icicles that close up your nostrils… which could actually be a natural response to prevent brain freeze.

But with all this green going on, maybe I’m just working myself into a frenzy of fear for nothing. Hey, maybe I won’t have to pull my clodhopping boots out of the closet this winter at all.


This chilly disclosure is part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday: Click the link and join in today. Yeah, you!

SoCS badge 2015

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

33 thoughts on “Unclobbered – #SoCS

  1. Pingback: Three Day Quote Challenge: Day 1 – AtypicalDisease

  2. Love that word “clobbered” by snow. The little we got melted in less than a day. Made me dig up the boots ( I have many since winters last long, I like to have a change). On the minus side, I think this up and down weather is making people sick…colds are bad. Doubt there will be a white Christmas but we will be seeing a full moon!!!


  3. Did you know that -40 is the same whether you’re talking Fahrenheit or centigrade?


  4. I’m in NJ, we either get mild winters with little snow or clobbered. It was 70 yesterday.


    • It day d snow once here, early in October…a little sugar sprinkle that vanished swiftly. It’s been warm. People including my snow loving daughter, are complaining. I’m not. I spent a winter in Wyoming, and one in the Everglades. I’ll stay happily anywhere between the two.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Wow, that’s a big difference. My youngest is complaining about the lack of snow too. Not much of a fun Christmastime for the kiddies, but it sure beats having to shovel it and drive in it!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oddly, when we decided, shortly before our eldest was born, to move nearer to one of our families, I pointed out that it snows a lot in upstate NY (we’re in the Adirondack foothills). He countered that it rains a lot in Oregon’s Willamette Valley, where he hails from. I replied that you don’t have to shovel rain – but he was sure he wouldn’t mind that. Now, fourteen years and many snowfalls later, his idea has changed some. We’ll be moving to Oregon n the next year or two, if all goes well…and we won’t be shoveling snow. There will be snow on the mountains about an hour away.

          I hope Alex gets his snow soon!


  5. Pingback: Three Day Quote Challenge: Day 1 | AtypicalDisease

  6. You might be lucky this year. I’ll thaw out my fingers and cross them for you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That sort of cold you can have though it may be 40C/100F here close to Christmas if not Christmas day….what we call a stinking hot Christmas….

    Liked by 1 person

  8. What’s the temp like before it snows? I’m in Ca as in California. It doesn’t get that cold here EVER lol. Except in North Dakota I think. And only sometimes

    Liked by 1 person

    • Obviously it’s got to be at least freezing. 😛 At -40 (which, by the way, is the same in fahrenheit as celsius) it’s actually too cold to snow. It has to go up to -30C, at least by my observations.


  9. The weather here was warm today and has been mild (9-15 highs) for some time now. We’ve had our first snow, but it was well before Thanksgiving, and now I’m one of those people wondering, Is winter even coming?!? But I like these temps 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m assuming you’re not talking 9-15 in fahrenheit, because that would be damned cold. Here it’s been between 7 and 11 celsius most days. T-shirt and shorts weather for a Canadian, at least in the spring. 😛


  10. I like your theory that the nose hairs freeze and close up the nose, in extreme cold, to prevent the brain from freezing.
    I know snow can be a bother to drive in and it is cold, but I like it at Christmas. It could end by March though and I would be happy. I like it for February and my birthday as well.
    I just don’t celebrate, as I think snow in Canada is what’s supposed to take place, but I seem to be almost entirely alone on this.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lovely pictures and I like the writing too


  12. That’s a great use of the ‘clo’


  13. Interesting! Everyone I’ve talked to has been having unseasonably warm weather.


  14. Burrr, 40 below. I would not do well because I am a wimp about cold. We are expecting deluge here. We had a few sprinkles recently and it reminded me El Nino is supposed to be coming soon.


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