Life in progress

Early Morning Photo Shoot, January 24th, 2016


I received a nice email from one of my son Christopher’s teachers the other day, explaining that if he didn’t get an assignment completed he would fail the course. The course is photography. The assignment, landscapes.

I only had one chance this weekend to get out with him, and that was at 7:30 this morning. So we went to my favourite spot, the Waterfront Trail so he could take some pictures. I couldn’t resist getting a few myself.

Please click for a better view.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

27 thoughts on “Early Morning Photo Shoot, January 24th, 2016

  1. Gorgeous photos, Linda. My fave is the last one. So glad you were able to go out with your son to get this assignment completed for him 🙂 You are an amazing mom!


  2. Pretty shots. You have a very good eye!


  3. Great pictures, very atmospheric.


  4. Hey Linda these are lovely, hope Christopher has his photos in now and is off of the warning. Good job the teacher was kind enough to tip you off! Boys! Don’t you just love them! xxxx


  5. Beautiful photos Linda, your son is very talented 😀
    You are a great Mom to go out with him in this way 🙂


  6. Now that’s great parenting. Early am on a Sunday, and at -20C!
    The photographs are gorgeous. Was it too wispy-cloudy to see the 5 planet alignment?


  7. Beautiful Photographs 🙂 I love sunrise and sunset photographs. And the last one is so lovely.


  8. Beautiful photos. I especially love the last shot.

    The other problem with the old way is that you didnt really know until they were developed if you got good shots/the shots you wanted.


    • Yes! That’s one of the things I appreciate the most about digital photography. That, and there’s so much more space than is on a roll of film.
      (my computer won’t allow me to type film. It accepts only the f or the i. Film. That works. Weird)
      Anyway, thank you, Barb! The last one is my favourite too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. The pictures look so serene and beautiful. ❤️❤️❤️


  10. Beautiful photos. Amazing scenes.


  11. Beautiful photos! I really love the last one, of the water 🙂


  12. Nailed it. A+ for sure. Good Mom.


  13. I understand what you went through. Several years ago, for a photography course, I had to rush my daughter around to get fall photos. Of course, she didn’t tell me about it until Saturday and it was due Monday. Good thing we were in the digital age, would have hated to develop and print it the old way.


    • Haha! You have a very good point – I hadn’t even thought about the fact that twenty years ago we’d have had to pay to get them developed.
      It was a nice outing though. Very peaceful, and it’s not often I get to spend time with him since his Autistic brain usually has him holed up in his room. It might have been perfect if not for the -20C weather… 😛

      Liked by 1 person

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