Life in progress

Don’t Want Windows 10? Read This


You know that annoying blue box that keeps popping up at the bottom of your screen, asking if you’re ready to switch to Windows 10 yet? Apparently that isn’t getting enough notice for Microsoft’s liking, so the company is going one step further. It turns out that Windows 10 will be a “recommended update,” which means if you haven’t turned them off in your control panel, it will download automatically when you turn your computer off. If you don’t want the Windows 10 upgrade, turn them off now.

Click this link for a full explanation and to learn how to select or turn off your automatic updates. This is particularly important if you pay extra to your internet service provider for more download space.

Please feel free to reblog this, and spread the word.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

57 thoughts on “Don’t Want Windows 10? Read This

  1. Wow, that’s a bit cheeky on the part of Microsoft!


  2. I’d like to try it but we have a solid state hard drive for faster boot times and a normal terabyte hard drive for storage and I’m not sure where the windows ten would end up or how it would affect the firmware on the solid state so I’m a little afraid my self,xx Rachel


  3. I switched early on. Getting used to it. Hate Internet Edge — continue to use internet explorer tho Windows 10 opens edge on me all the time.
    I think it sucks when a user is forced to upgrade. One thing if it’s a slight improvement, or compatibility issues or security, but a whole scale upgrade is just well criminal.
    I like Kingston — haven’t been in years. I’ll have to see where the Inn is relative to places I know. I’ve lived there twice.


    • I’ve heard a lot of bad things about Edge, though I use Chrome, which I think is pretty close to the same thing. I’m usually on Firefox.
      You’ve lived in Kingston? Really? Cool! 🙂 The inn’s a two minute walk from Hotel Dieu Hospital.


      • I know where that is. I’ve been in that hospital.
        I lived there when I was 2 for a couple of years, then I was back in the 1990s going to grad school at Queen’s. I went back to university to finish by BA and kinda kept going. We lived all over the place during the years we were there.


        • Neat! My novel takes place partly in Kingston, so you might recognize some of the places when you read it. (hint hint 😉 haha) I didn’t realize you’re (or were) Canadian.


          • Dual – born in Canada, married an American who is a dual Canadian citizen, moved to the States in 2003, became a dual citizen in 2010.
            Grew up in Ontario and NS. Lived in BC for a while. Also lived in NS & NB. Mother was from Quebec/SW Ontario & Dad was from NS.
            I like reading books that have references to places I know. Makes it seem like I was always the intended reader!
            This is probably way too much information. Sorry. I’m rather chatty tonight.


  4. Pingback: Don’t Want Windows 10? Read This | jorjao2013

  5. Thanks for helping spread the word, Linda. I just posted a notice about this on my Facebook page. I have IT friends that tried it out and had so many issues with it they uninstalled it and I’ve watched a video from a Microsoft employee who refuses to have it on his home machine. Hopefully, by the time my computer dies, Windows 12 will come out and will be hassle-free (yeah, right!).


  6. I use Windows 10, and like it. However, it makes me nervous when a company insist (pretty much, by pressure) to use it.


  7. I got Windows 10 and I got use to it. No problem at all.


  8. Windows 10 is the devil….


  9. Thank you, Linda! I just turned my notifications off and checked to make sure nothing had gone through today. *phew* luckily it wasn’t 3 pm yet because that is when updates go through each day for me. I do not want W10 at all. I am happy with W7. But I guess eventually they will stop updating it and I will begin having all kinds of troubles and will have to buy a new laptop *sighs*


  10. Wow. I can’t thank you enough for that info. Not sure about 10 as yet, and had to go uncheck my automatic update box. You’re the first that has mentioned this, much appreciated. ☺


  11. I’m a Mac person – not sure about its upgrades either.


  12. Linda I upgraded early on and have got used to and come to love windows 10 Honest it is not the darkside!!


  13. I’ve just been having this precise discussion with a friend of mine. Not just about Windows 10, but also about updates. Some other IT dude recommended I turn off automatic updates. I did. That was in 2011. Now I have major issues and a laptop getting TLC from a kind friend who has actually worked for Bill Gates’ company… He’s also tearing his hair out. Nuff said. Thanks for this.


  14. Yes, what’s particularly annoying about these automatic downloads, iPhone has them as well, is that they can take up so much space on an older model or operating system. I don’t want the new OS on my iPhone 5. It means I have to clear out podcasts and photos. But the update reminds me with automatic notices daily. I need to see if I can turn that off. Sounds, however like the new Windows is more insistent.


  15. I have upgraded to Windows 10. Hmm, well Word survived and I can access all my documents but I can’t use some of the functions, such as inserting a symbol (which I need for ellipses and m dashes) or adding page numbers, headers and footers. I ran the relevant diagnostics which crashed word but I reinstalled it ok.. with the exact same problems. My live messenger corrupted and you couldn’t click on any links from a mail but using Microsoft edge, which is I think the Windows Live messenger replacement or something I am running my email so I can open my links… but the Edge function means I cannot open individual folders to store messages from my inbox so, in effect I am running two separate email accounts with the same address. My laptop is off to convalesce with a good IT boffin friend to see if any of this is fixable or the new laptop I’ve been promising myself will have to be accelerated… be warned…


    • Yep, I can well imagine all these problems are part of the plan to get people to buy new machines with Windows 10 conveniently installed. And how much of the cost of a new computer is the OS? Hardly free anymore, is it?
      Thanks for the heads-up, Geoff.


  16. Oh, I wanted to try Windows 10 but don’t get annoying little notification that pops up on the desktop and my husband’s laptop. I wonder if it will decide to show up on the updates!
    Mind you, I am not sure it is going to be a good idea if it is messing with Word and other programmes!


  17. Holy crap! Thank you! I’ve encountered several friends who couldn’t access Word and email after installing. I’d rather wait until I have a new laptop, then I can transfer documents without fear, thank you very much.


  18. Even when I was happy with Microsoft, I turned off recommended updates. I’ve dumped Windows since the 10 debacle…


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