Life in progress

For You, For Us, For Humanity. Please Share


On this, November 11th, the day we remember the people who have given their lives  for their countries, I find the disparity between the ultimate in self-sacrifice and the continuing reports of disrespect and lack of empathy discouraging. I had a discussion on Facebook this morning with a man who told me that his daughter-in-law had been verbally accosted in a store while holding her 18-month-old child; there are so very many reports such as this and even worse coming in, it almost makes me want to hide. But I won’t, because there is something I can do.

For all the people who lack empathy in the world, I believe there are more who understand that we all have our struggles. And whether we deem them bigger than ours or not, a struggle is a struggle. An exhausted single mother washing her own dishes in an effort to control something, a rich man wanting to protect his children from bullying, the only true perspective is in the circumstances of the individual.

Let us show that there are more of us who care. That there are greater numbers of those who would rather give than receive. I challenge you today and every day to show love and kindness to a stranger. Find a way to go out of your way to help. Even a smile could make a difference in someone’s life, but especially now. Especially today, when we face the very real imbalance between selflessness and hate.

Please share this. We may not have the power to fix the world, but we possess the ability to communicate. And with this amazing means, we can help make the world a better place to live. Let this go viral. At this point I don’t even care if you copy and paste these words and pretend you wrote them yourself. What is important is that we can make a difference for the good of humanity.

For you, and for all of us.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

45 thoughts on “For You, For Us, For Humanity. Please Share

  1. It is a scary world. Spread on twitter. X 😇


  2. Sorry I am late – only just saw this. Can’t reblog as I am self-hosted on .org but will share on social media. People are waking up and uniting, yesterday, my sister took her grandson to watch the laying of poppy wreaths at the war memorial by the Mayor in their small town. But they could not get near.

    There were hundred and hundreds of people packing the street and two army helicopters from the nearby base flew very low the whole length of the High Street above the heads of the crowd. There is not usually this kind of turn out.

    And on the 11th, my sister told me that everyone stopped in the street at 11am and shopkeepers came out to stand in silence in front of their shops for two minutes, just like they used to in days gone by. There is hope that we can unite as human beings if we remember the losses on BOTH sides of wars and fight the politicians who create them. Thank you for this lovely post.


  3. Pingback: The Sound of One Hand Typing

  4. Reblogged this on heroicallybadwriter and commented:
    Spread the word.


  5. Beautiful post. Sorry I’m late. But re-blogging anyway!


  6. Reblogged this on Annas Art – FärgaregårdsAnna and commented:
    Agree! Lets go viral with this. For comments visit original post/Anna


  7. Sent here by a friend–sent it on to 30 people!!


  8. Reblogged this on Out crawls Angy.. and commented:
    Something to think on..


  9. In what way was this woman verbally accosted, what was said, what interaction passed between them? That’s very obscure, but indeed we need to be kinder to people, not to antagonize in this very fragile emotional state that a lot of our citizens are in.


    • It doesn’t really matter what was said. I wrote it out in an earlier draft of the post, but I didn’t feel that the comment needed to be sensationalized. The point was, it was hurtful.
      I’m sure there are many people in the U.S. afraid to go out right now, and that is so wrong. My hope is that people will be happy to go out. We can all help.


  10. Amen! Thanks for making a difference.


  11. Lovely sentiments, Linda.xx


  12. Reblogged this on willowdot21 and commented:
    For you for me for us all


  13. Reblogged this on The Sound of One Hand Typing and commented:
    She doesn’t just host good blog hops, she’s an excellent writer and what she says here is absolutely true. Share this, please.


  14. Reblogged this on saywhatumean2say and commented:
    “We may not have the power to fix the world, but we possess the ability to communicate.And with this amazing means, we can help make the world a better place to live.” ~~dru~~

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Shared on FB. Thanks for writing this Linda. I was thinking just this on my walk this morning. Hugs!


  16. Reblogged this on But I Smile Anyway… and commented:
    Share please x


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