Life in progress

Magic, Adventure, and Wonder: launching the After the Happily Ever After anthology by Anthony S. Buoni

The “After the Happily Ever After” anthology is finally out! My story, “Alice on the Analyst’s Couch” and many more wonderful tales can be found in this beautiful book. The Kindle version is on sale until January 1st. Please click on the original post and read all about it, and pick up your copy today. 😀

Transmundane Press

AFTER THE HAPPILY EVER AFTER: A COLLECTION OF FRACTURED FAIRY TALES is the third anthology that TRANSMUNDANE PRESS has produced.  What started as a nagging “what if
” question that we tossed out into the sea of creators quickly mushroom clouded into our most complicated and challenging project to date.

Based on our previous efforts—DISTORTED and UNDERWATER—we predicted somewhere between 30 and 50 submissions in our modest inbox, but were suddenly inundated with entries from dreamers located all over the world.  India, Canada, the UK, Australia, USA—they kept coming even after our posted deadline.

And they were wonderful tales.

Tales rich with adventure, unrequited love, treasure, sex, death, magic—these stories captured our imaginations the same way the storybooks of our youth tickled our fantasies.  Re-experiencing the same childlike excitement invoked memories of bedtime stories read by dim nightlights, of dragons swooping into our dreams and carrying us away to far off

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