Life in progress

#SoCS – Spring Forward and other ridiculousness


Well, I missed the deadline for my own prompt.  What a loser!! In my (self) defense, I was extremely busy playing Wii Party today, and basically trying to distract the kid long enough for him not to do all the things he does when he wants attention. Ah, what I’d give to have a sixteen-year-old who stays in his room and wants nothing to do with Mom for just a day.

So now that it’s Sunday, it means we here in North America (at least) are into our shortest day of the year. Not because of sunlight, but because we’re “springing forward.” We’re losing an hour of sleep… or are we? When I was kidless, I would have said yes. But kids wake up at the same time, regardless. They don’t look at the clock and say, ‘well, time to wake up because it’s 7 am already!’ No, they get up with the sun no matter what the clock says. So for us parents, it can mean a shorter day tomorrow instead of a shorter night tonight. Which means we can put them to bed an hour sooner and get more time tomorrow… or at least until the sun starts co-operating.

I’m probably not making an ounce of sense at this point. It’s 12:40, which means it’s 1:40… which means I should probably be in bed.

Yeah, let’s go with that.

This post is brought to you by yesterday’s Stream of Consciousness Saturday prompt. Check it out at the following link and read all the posts! You can even join in… late, like me!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

8 thoughts on “#SoCS – Spring Forward and other ridiculousness

  1. I’m away on vacay, so thanks for the reminder of the clocks LOL 🙂


  2. Late? Really? I’m usually late since Saturday is my first day off after a late shift and getting up at noonish [later really but it may make me appear lazy]. I did read the prompt yesterday, however, but low and behold my son and his fiancé surprised me with a nice birthday visit…treated me to sushi too:).
    Daylight savings time…I do not like! I wish we did like Saskatchewan and kept it the same all year. Fortunately when my kids were young, they were rarely up before 9 am weekend…made to measure for me:). Now I’ll just try to write that post.


  3. One of the four year old grand-girl twins asked why I was changing all the clocks. I explained as best I could and then she looked at me, a puzzled expression on her face, and said “that’s dumb. You can’t really change the time.” She gets it, why doesn’t the government?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m not a fan of DST. At least, in early November, you’ll have an extra hour to make the deadline. Or, you could just pretend. I don’t think anyone is watching the clock. Great job!


  5. Better late than never, and a brilliant response to the prompt.

    Keep in mind the autumnal event – then you can bid everyone to “Have a great long weekend!” When they look at you funny, you can tell ’em about the end of DSL.


  6. My 16 yo (who is no longer 16) avidly avoided us as much as possible. Neither extreme is pleasant!


  7. Ahhh….that was the best opening paragraph I’ve read in a long time! You crack me up!!!


  8. Love this, but no, you don’t want a kid stuck in their room all day. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

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