Life in progress

#SoCS – Appreciative of the #atozchallenge


To find the prompt and participate in SoCS, click the picture. It’s fun!

Any of my fellow WordPress bloggers who are participating in the A to Z Challenge and haven’t heard yet, you can post your links to the new WordPress “A to Z” blog here: They’re doing a daily post for each letter, so it’ll be as easy as a pingback to record your post and find readers. You’ll find the one for the letter “A” at the top of this post if you click on the letter. 😀

Now that that’s out of the way, my first thesaurus word for the challenge is “appreciative.” And I am, for so many things. First and foremost on my blog are all my readers and those who join in on my prompts week after week, as well as those of you who have done it once or twice. I’ve made so many friends here on WordPress and really, it was a surprise to me that there is such an amazing community here. When I started my blog I had no idea what I was doing. I thought I might find a couple of people who would read what I wrote and that would be it. It wasn’t until I discovered the interaction in the comments, and that discovery I still thank Jason at HARSH REALITY for, for showing me how great it can be to get to know people, that I knew there was so much more to this place than meets the eye.

And prompts like A to Z help expand our horizons. There are hundreds of thousands of people out there who share the same passion as we do – writing, communicating, and sharing our work. The possibilities are endless. All we need do is tap into it. How can we not appreciate something like that?


If you’re stopping by my blog for the first time or you haven’t picked it up yet, please check out my A to Z Challenge-inspired novelette “All Good Stories.” It’s a romantic comedy about two best friends who belong together – Xavier knows it, but Jupiter has her eye on another guy: a shady character named Bob.

“Delightful, Light-hearted tale with great twists!” ~ Lori Carleson, 5 stars, Amazon review

“Quirky and charming.” ~ Bobby Underwood, #11 top reviewers on Goodreads – 5 stars

Click the picture to find it on Kindle, or get it on Kobo here:


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

39 thoughts on “#SoCS – Appreciative of the #atozchallenge

  1. I appreciate your mention Linda!


  2. Yep. Harsh Reality. What a blog! I’m trying really hard with the “SoCS” style of A to Z. It’s confusing. I Appreciate very much that they started the WP simulcast site. I’m still haphazard with my “hopping” but it’s a little better. I’m doing it more by going from site to site than by the “official” places to put links, though. Definitely has the feeling of walking through molasses. I’m getting over it, though. Even if I only find a handful of fabulous A to Z-ers, it’ll be ok I guess!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. You hit the nail on the head there, Linda! We have a wonderful blogging community which I am so proud of being a part of. 🙂


  4. Pingback: Moonrise CH47 – The City That Always Sleeps | Article 94

  5. Pingback: A to Z challenge – Agitate – The Poem. | ~Idiot Writing~

  6. I have decided. THIS is what I am going to give my damndest to do. Please may everyone feel free to join in on my sub-challenge! Details here:

    Thank you Linda!


  7. Pingback: A to Z challenge – ‘A’ – Is for Poetry Challenge! | ~Idiot Writing~

  8. I appreciate this wonderful community of bloggers as well, Linda. I found you through Jason at Harsh Reality, whose recommendations in blogging got me to a great start:)


  9. Pingback: A is for April (Blogging from AtoZ and SoCS) – Traces of the Soul

  10. Lindaaaa, How do we know when the next one is up- you no…’B’?


  11. Just gotto say.. I may actialky consider this this year. we’ll see.
    Like your good reads reviewer!! Splendid!! 🙂


  12. I am participating in A to Z this year, on a whim yesterday. So, I didn’t do a big theme reveal on my blog in March. The badges are quite visual and I don’t know if I do that part right. It kind of feels like there are certain rules and guidelines with this April challenge, but I am going for it, just to see, and trying not to stress about it, if I miss something. I will keep up with you here all month though. Thanks Linda.


    • It’s really just being run the same way as JusJoJan this year. The badges are optional, so no worries over that.
      So glad you’re joining in, Kerry! And I’m with you – I refuse to stress over it. Do it if I do it, don’t if I can’t. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: #SoCS and #atozchallenge | Darswords

  14. Happy to find you are doing A to Z again. Making community is one of the best things about blogging.
    Finding Eliza


  15. I’m pretty sure Harsh Reality is where I stumbled across you. Thanks, Jason!


  16. Good luck Linda i shall be cheering you on!💗💝


  17. Good luck for the rest of the A to Z challenge. Look forward to reading more posts.


  18. Looks like bonus points.


  19. Thanks for this…I had submitted one without link…and it was also posted for the SoCS…


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