Life in progress

Horny – #AtoZChallenge


The difference between erotica and pornography is not love. It is word choice.

Yes, my thesaurus stuck me with the word “horny” for the letter H. I cheated on the letter G – I couldn’t cheat twice in a row.

Yet I’ve found something to talk about on the subject, and it’s something I’ve been thinking about writing on for a week or so anyway. I’ve come across the question a few times in the last few months: “What is the difference between erotica and porn?” The answers given on the various platforms have ranged from porn is dirty and erotica isn’t, to erotica is when you have a real relationship and porn is just for one night stands. Neither of these is correct, nor is it true that erotica only includes clean words, though word choice has a lot to do with it.

The short scene I’ve included below is one I wrote about three years ago. It is erotica, it is a bit messy, there are no swear words, and there is no sex. I think I may have linked to it a couple of years ago (it was on another site), so you might be familiar with it if you’ve been following me for a long time.


“If you want to be a healthy young woman, you need to eat more fruit,” he said as he placed on the kitchen table before me a peach and a bowl of blueberries.

When our relationship was new, he explained that he wanted to wait until at least the third month before we slept together. He enjoyed the anticipation, he told me on our first date. The concept was new to me, but so far I had to agree. Now, as the second month was becoming the third, we both felt the tension of our abstinence.

He told me also that he wished to take care of me. Feeding me seemed a little extreme, but I decided to go along with it for the time being. To see where he was going with it. He hadn’t lead me astray yet, after all.

He turned his chair around and straddled it, sitting at the end of the table, to my right.

“Are you hungry?” He raised an eyebrow and I took in his smile, the roughness of his five o’clock shadow, his lean body all the way down to his belt, below which I could only imagine.

“Famished.” I clasped my hands together in my lap, not wanting to look down but hoping my shirt was unbuttoned enough at the collar to tempt him with a little cleavage.

He picked up a single small blueberry from the bowl and held it to my lips. I opened my mouth but he didn’t let go of the fruit. Instead he twirled it between his thumb and forefinger.

“I want to put it on your tongue,” he said. “Don’t bite it.”

I allowed him to place it in my mouth.

“Press it against your palate with your tongue … move it around … resist the temptation to eat it.”

I moved the little nub of fruit around inside my mouth as I was instructed. It was firm and round and I couldn’t … I shifted it with my tongue to my molars and gently closed them until the blueberry exploded in a tiny burst of bitterness.

I blushed. “Sorry,” I said.

“We’ll try again,” he said, patiently. The one he brought to my lips next was larger. Softer. I knew it would be sweeter and more difficult to resist. The skin of it was wrinkled and on my tongue it felt malleable. This time when I pressed it against the roof of my mouth it gushed, yielding easily to the pressure.

“You really are hungry, aren’t you?” He smiled at me and shifted in his chair to ease his discomfort. “Let’s try the peach then, shall we?”

He held it out to me and I took it. It smelled as ripe and luscious as it looked.

“Bite it,” he commanded, his eyes half-lidded. “Open wide and …”

My teeth penetrated the delicate skin of the fruit, and the juice cascaded past my lips in a great wash of fluid. I tilted my head back to guzzle as much of it as I could, but some of it dribbled down my chin as the flesh of the peach made contact with my tongue. I took as much down my throat as I could handle; the excess dripped from the edge of my lower lip. I felt it drop and then trickle down between my breasts and I moaned.

Licking his own lips in sympathy, or perhaps it was lust, he stared at me, hard.

“Do you want some?” I asked him.

“Yes,” he whispered hoarsely.


If you’d like to read some more of my fiction, please check out my A to Z Challenge-inspired novelette “All Good Stories.” It’s a romantic comedy about two best friends who belong together – Xavier knows it, but Jupiter has her eye on another guy: a shady character named Bob. There’s even a touch of erotica in it.

“A short funny tale of two friends” ~ Ritu, 4 stars, Amazon UK review

“Quirky and charming.” ~ Bobby Underwood, #11 top reviewers on Goodreads – 5 stars

Click the picture to find it on Kindle, or get it on Kobo here:


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

38 thoughts on “Horny – #AtoZChallenge

  1. I really enjoyed that Linda. Great writing skills. Totally erotic as it was building up the scene slowly and sensually. Where as I think porn just goes straight into the main show. This leaves the reader intrigued. Wanting more.


  2. I enjoy your posting. Very creative. Erotica is whatever writing, photograph, painting, or just any art that’s intended to arouse sexual desire in others. It can be deeply sexual, sensual, or even pornographic. It depends on the person creating the art and then how others receive or perceive the work that is created.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed that excerpt very much Linda; it was so sensual and got the juices flowing!!! 🙂


  4. Woo! Linda the tension, the list the needing it all came through. Brilliant.💜💝

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Such a sensual composition…wow.


  6. This is SO much better than Fifty Shades ! I want some peach juice too 🙂


  7. Very well written. It is a feast for the senses. As for the difference between the two, I would tend to agree with most of your readers – it’s the focal point of the writing that is the difference

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow, Linda!!!!


  9. When are you going to publish this book? I want to buy it now. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  10. 🙂 Title made me laugh – you obviously have a very cooperative dictionary – – LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wonderful writing. I have tried to explain this difference so many times. Word choice, yes. Well done!


  12. So your side of the debate is that erotica can contain sexual elements, whereas porn must contain sex but generally has little plot?

    Now I’m curious where certain scenes in Bond films would fall in this categorization. I’ve seen it more than once– there’s a female character, she meets him, they sleep together, then he goes back to the movie. Her character is not developed. The sex scene does not advance the plot, reveal character information, involve overcoming anything, provide information relevant to the story, and would not alter the movie if it were cut. The sex isn’t graphic (none of the movies are given x ratings). This is just a curiosity from a conversation I had once, one for which I had no answer to give. Another person suggested the answer is, “He’s James Bond, and therefore someone has to have sex with him at least once per film simply because he’s James Bond.” The person seemed very stuck on this answer as a universally accepted truth. Now I’m wondering if your debate on erotica versus porn might shed light on the subject. Near as I can tell, part of being Bond is also being a secret agent, meaning these women have no idea what being Bond is supposed to mean. So do they represent porn or erotica?

    Happy Thinking.

    J — Co-host the #AtoZchallenge, Debut Author Interviewer, Reference and Speculative Fiction Writer


  13. My humble opinion… Erotic romance – The relationship is the focus with a fully open door and each sex scene is used to drive the story forward. Erotica can be short or long (pun intended) and is meant to involve all the senses but doesn’t have to have an HEA/HFN or even a relationship. Porn is all about the sex, no story or character development. All can use “clean” words or “dirty” words – for me its the character and plot development that separate these.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree – erotic romance is all about the slow burn with the happy ending (in every sense of the phrase). But I think porn can be written with a plot and characters, because people actually live that way. Sounds like a challenge to me… 😉 On the other hand, both erotica and porn can be written with no story or character development.
      Romance is romance – it can include erotica, porn… or even a frog and a pig.
      Sorry this comment is all over the place. I’m exhausted.
      Thanks for commenting, Milly. 🙂


  14. I don’t care what you call it, the whole story was sensual, in every sense….😜

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Pornography is generally more gutteral filth that does the job so to speak. Erotica manages to involve all senses in a sensual manner creating a build up of want…
    Good job Linda!

    Liked by 2 people

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