Life in progress

#SoCS – Pneumonia


Spent 17 hours at the hospital last night. Came home and slept for 3 hours. Going back. Hopefully not to spend another night in a chair.

The world needs more people who can sign.

Who can communicate with the Deaf when they need it most.

Wish us luck. Alex has pneumonia and I’m truly exhausted in every sense of the word.

SoCS badge by Pamela, at

Sorry for this post. I just wanted to let you know where I am.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

32 thoughts on “#SoCS – Pneumonia

  1. Glad you are home now, good luck.


  2. Ick!!! I had pneumonia when I was fourteen! It led me to my first ever ambulance ride! The next year, I took my mothers car (without permission) to drive myself to the emergency room with a busted eardrum. Then, the following year, I was blessed with Scarlet Fever and was forced to spend two weeks out of school despite not being contagious. I just looked and felt like I had the Plague! Somewhere in those years I locked myself out of the house in the heat of the day and ended up on four meds and three creams while I had blisters almost an inch high on my shoulders and the tops of my feet from sunburn. While all of this is true, I am letting you know… there are worse things. You WILL get better. Also, I am one of those people that when I get sick, I get SICK and after about 14-17, I may have been sick three times in the almost 25 years since. Get better soon!!!!


    • Ugh, I had them all as a child too. Getting sick sucks! However it was my son who got sick this time. After a three-day stay at the hospital, he’s home and healing now.
      Thanks for your good wishes! 🙂


  3. Hope Alex is feeling better and that you and the other son get some sleep. You are in my thoughts and prayers.


  4. Oh so sorry to hear. Thinking of you and Alex. Take care both. Hugs Marje

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  5. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear it! I hope hes going to be ok! xox rest up when you can! hugs!

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  6. I’m sorry that you and your son are having to go through this, but I hope that by now he’s doing better and you can get some rest.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I wish him a speedy recovery! 💜

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  8. I’m sorry you’re going through this and praying for healing for Ugh. I’m sorry you have this going on. Sending hugs and healing prayers. I visualize you both being well, rested, and happy very soon!

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  9. wishing you and your son both an opportunity for deep healing slumber

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  10. You are both in my prayers.

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  11. It’s hard to find places that teach signing. Everything is now “lip reading.” It used to be you could take a course in ASL at any high school in the evening, but we couldn’t find anyplace that teaches it, at least within driving distance.

    Don’t worry too much. Kids get over pneumonia a lot faster than do their parents and usually, with no serious after effects. My son got pneumonia every year until finally, flu shots brought it to a close. Of course, you will worry, but kids have a lot of energy and bounce. Unlike us!

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  12. Praying for you both. May the weekend turn the corner to better health and good rest.

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  13. You must be so tired, but it is wonderful that you can be there to advocate for your son. Blessings for a quick recovery.

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  14. Sending hugs for you, Linda, and healing vibes for Alex.

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  15. Sending healing energy and lighting a candle for you! 🕯🙋🍀

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  16. I’m so sorry that the system makes it so difficult. Hoping is is on the upswing soon and you have a chance to rest

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  17. Sorry to hear it. Prayers for you and Alex and hope he has a speedy recovery.

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  18. Thinking and praying for you both. 💜💜💜

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  19. Prayers for you and Alex. So sorry to hear this.

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  20. I am so sorry to hear that, Linda. My heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery for you both.

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  21. Thinking of you and wishing Alex a speedy recovery.

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  22. Praying for you both. So difficult when a loved one is so sick and in the hospital.

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  23. Keeping you and Alex in my thoughts and prayers.

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  24. That’s awful. Thinking of you and keeping you and Alex in our prayers.

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  25. Ugh. That totally sucks. Thanks for letting us know, we do care out here in the blogosphere! (And no “sorry” needed for you post, but I know from having Canadian friends that apologizing is hard-wired into you guys. ♥ (said with love))

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Glad he’s being treated, but sucks it’s happening at all. You need sleep, woman. Forget about us for a while

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  27. Yikes! Nothing to be sorry about. I’m sure we’re all glad you could update us. Sending thoughts and prayers for Alex and for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  28. Wishing him full recovery and a lot of rest, for you.

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  29. Oh Linda!
    Wishing healthy vibes over to Alex and strength for you 🙏🏼💜

    Liked by 1 person

  30. I like but I don’t like. Hopefully he’ll get the care he needs so you can come home and rest some more.

    Liked by 1 person

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