Life in progress

Now it’s my mother


My mum has been admitted to hospital with pneumonia. They took her by ambulance last night since I wasn’t able to leave the house to pick her up–not because it was that urgent.

But anyway, funny story.

I just got off the phone with one of the nurses in the emergency department. Apparently my mother is concerned that she doesn’t have her teeth. She must have taken them out before she was transported, so the nurse asked me if I could go get them and bring them in.

My response: That has to be one of the most interesting things I’ve even been asked to do.

And we laughed, and laughed.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

55 thoughts on “Now it’s my mother

  1. It’s always nice to have these pauses with levity. Those things people say to themselves, “Things I never thought I’d say…”


  2. I do hope your mother is doing better Linda.


  3. I’m sorry to hear about yet more pneumonia in your life. Hope that things are going as well as possible.


  4. Oh Linda! So sorry to hear about your mother. My grandmother was the same way about her teeth. She’d regularly misplace them. We laughed too. Sometimes we have to laugh to keep from crying. You certainly have had your quota. Sending healing vibes to you and yours.


  5. Yikes! Between your son and your mother, you’ve got a lot on your plate. I hope both are doing well under the circumstances. Good that you still have it in you to laugh.


  6. Surrounding your family in prayers. Hope Alex is getting better as well. You stay warm and safe. Don’t need you hospitalized.


  7. Oh, my, that’s funny! I do hope your mom is okay!


  8. Hope your mother gets better soon! Wishing her and you well.


  9. don’t forget the glass and the denture grip too!


  10. You are definitely having a bad run but glad you could find some humour to cheer you up. Hope your Mum responds well to treatment and is soon back home.


  11. Best wishes for your Mom


  12. I’m sorry to hear about your mom, but at least she could find humor in the situation.


  13. You get all the best jobs 💜💜🤭


  14. Linda, Jean and I are sorry to hear that Marjorie is sick. Give her our best regards. Too bad we live so far. About the dentures, I’ll tell you a short story that will make you laugh. Remember I was working in a veterans hospital before I retired. One day, on a ward, the head nurse asked a new employee to go and wash all the patients’ dentures. She took a tray, took all the dentures from the patients, put them on the tray and washed them as requested. The only problem, she did not know to whom they belong…. The whole hospital had a good laugh that day, except the head nurse!!!


  15. So sorry to hear this sad news about your mother. Hope she will be okay, soon! 💙


  16. That you were able to laugh at such a moment shows how strong you are.
    More power to the hands that delivered the teeth to her mother.
    Hope your mother gets well soon.
    Take care.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. You are a strong person, I feel the cross you are suffering will soon be lifted.


  18. I hope she gets better soon! I can only imagine how out of sorts she must be without her teeth. If I go somewhere and forget even my lip gloss, I feel naked. You’re a good daughter to brave the elements to go get them!


  19. When it rains, it pours, huh? Hang in there.


  20. Hope your Mum (and her teeth) are out of hospital soon.
    Humour is a wonderful medicine!
    Take care Linda.


  21. Hope your mom heals quickly – and uh, er, I hope the teeth were clean when you found them. Been there, done that, wincing at the memory. 🙂 🙂


  22. i’m sorry about your mom, but i am happy for the humor you found in the situation


  23. Hugs to your Mom. Hope everybody gets well and stays that way!


  24. Hope she feels better soon


  25. I am so sorry to hear about you Mum. Keeping you all in my prayers. And I see I missed your birthday, too. Happy Belated Birthday. 🎂


  26. When I worked at a hospital, one of the older nurses told me she always advised families to bring a patient’s eyeglasses and dentures. She said it would help the patient feel normal in an abnormal situation. Once a patient is well enough to care about anything, he/she wants to see what’s around them and doesn’t want to be seen without teeth. Just consider – if you were so feeble you had to be taken to the grocery store in a wheelchair, you’d probably still want both your eyeglasses and your dentures, as well as combed hair and decent clothes. I know I would.

    Hugs to your mother, and to you. Hope her recovery is quick and easy.


    • I understand that totally. And believe me, no insensitivity exists on my part, neither to the fact that my mother is without her dentures, nor that the likelihood of her coming out this hospital visit alive is decreased significantly by 75 years of smoking. My laughter is merely a reaction to a bizarre request–being asked to deliver what would normally be a body part–in combination with weeks and weeks of worry and the stress of being solely responsible, as a single mother and an only child, of two disabled kids and one 89 year old mother.
      Besides that, my family has always had a sensitive funny bone for the bizarre. My mother would have laughed too.
      Thank you for your kind good wishes, CM. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  27. I guess we’ll just leave you on the prayer list for a while, this winter, Linda. I hope your mom recovers quickly. Please stay healthy!


  28. Hope you mom gets better soon.


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