Life in progress

My Final Random Jot of #JusJoJan 2019


Aaaand, it’s a wrap! The year that was January 2019 is but hours away from its completion here in my corner of the world. Will February be better? I damned well hope so. Having said that, my mother is still in the hospital with pneumonia. I believe it’s going to take her a while to recover from this. I just spoke to her on the phone: she can hardly breathe.

I’m not sure I have a favorite part of this month, other than you all here. All of you who helped me make Just Jot it January a success for the fifth year in a row. I appreciate everyone who linked up to the prompt, even once. And of course a special thanks goes to all of you who helped choose this year’s prompts! I couldn’t have done it without you. 🙂

I had a lot to be grateful for last year. Career-wise, I had my July Bookbub Featured Deal that had me give away 25K copies of The Magician’s Curse. I signed up for it thinking I’d have no chance whatsoever getting it. Bookbub deals are like the lottery. I was flabbergasted when I got the acceptance email!

However, it could have been a disaster: if there’s one piece of advice I’d give anyone submitting for a deal, it’s to make sure it’s not your only book, especially if you’re giving it away. Had The Magician’s Blood not been ready to publish, I’d never have made my money back. Bookbub deals are expensive! But so very worth it.

One other piece of advice for anyone thinking of having thousands of strangers read your book? When it’s free, some will pick it up and read and review it even though it’s not a genre they enjoy. Not everyone is nice, unfortunately, so make sure you’re wearing your thickest of skins when you read what people have to say. Having said that, I do appreciate (almost) all my reviews! Even the negative ones. The exception being from those who didn’t even read the whole thing before giving it one star.

I’m grateful that everyone in my family survived 2018, all of them healthy except that little bit at the end. And even that was temporary.

And that’s pretty much it.

I’ll be back tomorrow with the participation badge and an opportunity to leave links in the comments. More details about that in tomorrow’s post.

Until then, stay warm if you’re in the northern hemisphere and cool if you’re Down Under.


It’s never too late to participate in Just Jot it January! Click the following link to find out how, and see all the other participants’ links in the comment section. It’s fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

17 thoughts on “My Final Random Jot of #JusJoJan 2019

  1. Thanks again, Linda! You did a great job, especially with all that went on with you. Healing thoughts for your mom!


  2. What a very productive month. I send get well wishes for your mom. I know first hand how hard that can be. Here’s to a fantastic February!


  3. Thanks for the prompts, Linda and the opportunity to join such a good group. Hoping and praying that your mom recovers quickly.


  4. I enjoyed the meme very much although I joined only in the middle of the month. What’s going on now ? Is there another meme ?


  5. Congratulations for getting through the month and the fun you gave us. Stay warm and get rest if you can! Congrates on the book, too!


  6. Thanks for making January so great so memorable. Great initiative.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sorry your mom is still under the weather. I think all of us are ready for spring and warmer temps and clean fresh air. Congrats for your success this past year. Hope next year is even better. All stay well and healthy.


  8. Pingback: Changing pain meds – JusJoJan #31 | Tessa Can Do It! Positivity is Catching!

  9. Hi Linda- we are staying warm here in VA (trying to too- brrrr) and congrats on getting the bh deal and also thanks for sharing your tips. You are so right about the genre knowledge and judging from that angle, which happens when people get a freebie in an area they normally wouldn’t read – etc (what you said)
    and like you – I am grateful for all reviews and the two most negative ones I had (both nonfiction books) well the first one helped me make a second edition – so it was tough but spot on. The other strong negative (a different non-fiction) were comments from- a person that skimmed the book on amazon – the free pages to peek at. And so his slam was from that? really – further — the book was for parents of teens (and the book was called Conversate and it was also for counselors) and so I shook it off – but still shake my head at how shallow some people are without knowing it.
    Cheers to a good year ahead
    and maybe consider getting your mom some
    CALM magnesium and have her some twice a day
    also – see if docs will let her NAC – it is an amazing supplement for so many things – but esp lungs –


  10. Amen, and I’m glad everyone survived and you were also provided the strength to be present, positive, and a blessing. You have done a great great job managing it all. I also enjoy the challenge for the month. Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

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