Life in progress

#JusJoJan 23/20 – Driven


First off, I’d like to say thank you to Janet for our prompt word of the day, “drive.” Thanks, Janet! You can find Janet’s Just Jot it January post here. Go visit her and say hi, and give her a follow!

Since I’m the only driver in the house, you might say I’m the least driven in my family.

But that’s not true.

Because I am driven in the other sense of the word.

Driven to succeed in both of my careers, driven to learn, driven to do lots of things.

I’m in the driver’s seat of my own life, and yet I’m driven …

How does that make sense?

One thing I am driven to do, to save my own sanity, is put Alex on a school bus in the morning and send him to school. I’m pretty sure he’s ready.

In other news, my boiler conked out again, so we have no heat. Which really sucks. But I borrowed some electric space heaters from my best friend, John (happy birthday, John!), so we’re not freezing to death tonight.

The guy’s supposed to come in the morning to fix it. I wonder how many guys we’ll end up with tomorrow. I’ll report back.

Ah, it’s all enough to drive me to drink sometimes.


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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

9 thoughts on “#JusJoJan 23/20 – Driven

  1. I hope you have heat again! 😀 its no fun having none!


  2. It’s just one thing after another, isn’t it?


  3. 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷😜💜💜💜💜💜


  4. I hate a cold house. Hope you get the right guy this time.


  5. Yikes. I hope you managed to get the boiler fixed.


  6. Hope heater fixers drive quickly and safely and help your house get warm. Thank goodness for space heaters. That’s all we have. They do okay. Oh, and thank goodness for good friends!


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