Life in progress

What Day is it Anyway? Tuesday, March 31st, 2020


My day today so far–12:11pm: 

Again, I haven’t done much other than answer a couple of emails and check my social media channels this morning. It would be more exciting, I suppose, to do this later in the day, but then I’ll miss out on the opportunity to remind us all what day it is early on. And it’s true–I would have no idea what day it is if I didn’t do these posts. I’ll have to find a way to incorporate them into the A-Z Challenge. Anyone else doing it? Let me know your theme in the comments, if you have one.


Alex and I went for a walk despite the fact that it was raining a bit. Two days inside was too much to contemplate.

Photo: Alex and I under our umbrellas. Alex, as usual, is smiling.

My eldest went to the corner store for cat food yesterday evening and came home to let me know they had toilet paper. But he didn’t buy any. I could have strangled him.

In other words, all is as normal here.

Why I’m writing this post:

Because if you’re like me and stuck at home already, or if you’re going to be like me soon, the days of the week are going to be hell to keep track of. We have a wonderful community here on WordPress and all over the Internet as well, and I’m sure many people are feeling nervous and/or isolated. I want to make sure every one of us has somewhere to congregate and someone to talk to.

I want everyone to know that you can start discussions with each other in the comments, and if you’d like to write your own “What Day is it Anyway?” post, you can link to this one. Hashtag #WDIIA.

Let’s keep in touch!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

24 thoughts on “What Day is it Anyway? Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

  1. Pingback: What Day Is It Anyway? Thursday 2nd of April Edition – The Bee Writes…

  2. Pingback: What Day Is It Anyway? Wednesday April 1st 2020 – jaquintinwriter

  3. It is hard for me to keep track of the days with Dave being home every other day! There are perks though, today he bought us lunch from a Mexican place and came back with the food and made me a margarita! Sweet!


  4. Love Alex’s smile and your eldest son’s quick thinking 💜


  5. Pingback: What Day is it Anyway…. A Day late. 31st March. | willowdot21

  6. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday 1st April 2020 – Keep it alive

  7. Lol about your eldest not buyihng the TP! Too funny! I am imagining you strangling him now 😛


  8. Pingback: What Day is it Anyway? Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 | Darswords

  9. Pingback: #WDIIA ~ 3/31/20 – J-Dubs Grin and Bear It

  10. I have been in such an odd space that I have not blogged for I don’t know how many days. Today I am trying to get back to something that brings me joy. The blogging world is kind and thoughtful. I need that right now. Stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I’ve had ‘time displacement’ issues for a long time – whether I was working outside the home or not – guess those ‘coping skills’ put in place after the stroke are paying off big time now…eh? Nice for you to be a bridge/connection place – glad you got out to walk the dog – All here in our household doing fine – more work to do for me, longer hours away at work for man-child, but we are healthy and persevering – 🙂


  12. Pingback: What Day Is It Anyway – Coping with Covid day 12 – JP the Wide-eyed Wanderer

  13. It’s Sunday isn’t it? Every day feels like Sunday! I’m signed up for the A-Z. My theme is moving – because I was supposed to be moving. I decided not to change the theme but it will also focus on lock down a bit too.


  14. I needed the reminder of what day it is today too. I like that you’re doing them early in the day because then I can still join in on the same day.

    I look forward to reading your AtoZ. I will be participating too and have no set theme, though I will most likely write on self-care topics at least some of the time.


  15. Haven’t thought about A-Z but it could be an idea to work it into What Day Is it Anyway? Just to have a topic that is A-Z each day. I am feeling like ‘oh is it April already tomorrow?’ again what day is it? or what month is it? Do you have any delivery services from stores? Here the stores are starting to manage this better. Still can’t get disinfectants cleaners or wipes. I have a moderate supply for now.


  16. Pingback: Corona Fatigue-What Day Is It Anyway? March 31, 2020 | Notes Tied On The Sagebrush

  17. Pingback: What Day Is It Anyway? (March 31, 2020) #WDIIA – A Multitude of Musings

  18. I found some toilet paper today but still no cleaning products. I got there early because it is Senior Day. I am doing the A to Z, my theme is scrapbooking the concerts we have seen. Crossing fingers I can get them all done!


  19. Toilet paper! I haven’t seen that in a shop for weeks!


  20. I with you, don’t have a clue as to what day it is! My mind went totally blank yesterday when I was talking on the phone and thought it was Thursday! 🤔🤪


  21. A day with smiles is a good day.

    Liked by 1 person

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