Life in progress

What Day is it Anyway? #SoCS Edition Saturday, May 9th, 2020


Fear is a great motivator.

It’s easier to cave in when you’re scared.

Alex has an appointment this week. At a hospital. Imagine that. He doesn’t want to go because of the whole Covid-19 thing, and I don’t blame him. But I’ve cancelled the appointment twice already. And they assure me that there are no cases in that hospital.

But how can I be sure?

I can’t.

So do I cave?

Or do I insist?

Tough call.


2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

This adaptation of #WDIIA and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is brought to you by both. To join us in the SoCS tradition, click the following link where you’ll find all the instructions and the other participants’ posts in the comments. It’s fun! you can link to this post if you just want to write a What Day is it Anyway? post.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

24 thoughts on “What Day is it Anyway? #SoCS Edition Saturday, May 9th, 2020

  1. That is a really tough call. I don’t know. Perhaps it’ll be ok, you really wont know, I sure wouldn’t like to have to decide!


  2. Everyone is handing you the ‘tough call’ handing it back to you. And I’m sure you will make the right decision for you and Alex. But I also think with grocery shopping and walking added to the picture, of all the places I think hospitals and doctor’s offices might, at this time, have it better than anywhere. Any place a non-covid19 person needed to go is scrubbed down to sanitary in a knowledgeable way that other places might not be. A month ago it might have been bad. But I trust the gentler curve we’ve all created to make it safer now in the medical places. My two cents. But yeah, trust your gut. ❤


  3. I hear hospitals and doctors offices down here are taking a lot of precautions. But trust your instincts. May powers of protection surround you and your family whatever you decide.


  4. Kind of a tough choice between “put it off until some unspecified date in the future” and “do it now and get it over with.” I’d go with the latter, but I’m not sure Alex would.


  5. There are so many tough decisions to make right now. I hope you and Alex make peace with whatever you decide.


  6. So many things to consider, Linda G. Is it going to be more or less safe for the visit if you can safely put it off for X amount of time? We just don’t know enough about how this crisis is reacting with us and how we are reacting with it.


  7. That’s a tough call. Whatever you decide, I hope you can get Alex on board. I wish you both a safe visit, if you go.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. A difficult decision and you have to weigh up the benefits (or risks) of not attending against the risks of going. Hard call.


  9. It’s a really tough one… Wish you well xx


  10. Yes Linda it’s a tough call. Is the appointment critical? That’s the cruncher!


    • It’s for an echocardiogram. He hasn’t had one in a year, and he usually gets them every six months. So yeah, if not now, soon. The question is will this situation get any better than it is now.


      • To be honest Linda I don’t know but my gut feeling is it will not get better yet, it might even get worse. Lots of important appointments and treatment are subject to delays at thet moment…
        It’s not goo. Sending hugs 💜


      • To be honest Linda I don’t know but my gut feeling is it will not get better yet, it might even get worse. Lots of important appointments and treatment are subject to delays at thet moment…
        It’s not good. Sending hugs 💜


  11. Difficult decision.


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