Life in progress


#SoCS – More than anything

More than anything, I wish people would stop asking me what I like “more than anything else.”

Okay, maybe that’s not what I want more than anything, but hey, it’s a prompt and I’m writing the first thing that comes into my head.

It’s such a difficult thing to choose! Which colour do you like more than any other? Which song? If you had one wish that would change the world, what would it be?

How can anyone decide what, more than anything else, would be the best thing for everyone? Or for yourself? I suppose if you were singularly focused on yourself and cared about no one else, it might be easier.

What frustrates me more than anything else at this very moment is my own failings. This is “Stream of Consciousness SATURDAY” and here I am writing my post on Sunday.

Yesterday, more than anything else, I spent the day procrastinating. What is it when you think of something you need to do and just can’t bring yourself to do it? What is it called? Because I seem to be stuck with it, whatever it is.

I’m happy to say if it concerns doing something for someone else, I’m on the ball. I spend hours of my every day looking for things to do for other people so I can procrastinate on my own stuff.


No idea.

One thing I ain’t procrastinating on any more at this very moment?

Getting my second cup of coffee. But yeah, I do procrastinate over feeding myself often these days. Don’t worry! I get there eventually.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

This questioning post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Find the prompt here and join in!