Life in progress


#SoCS – A Brush with Good Health

It’s been a while since I last had a brush with good health. You know, one of those rare moments when nothing hurts? Anyone over 50? I’m talking to you.

My latest what-I’m-calling-stress-related ailment is tinnitus. As I sit here, it’s shrieking in my ears. Driving me to absolute distraction. I had it yesterday too. Today, I noticed it only when I thought of it, which kinda tells me that it’s likely all in my head.

Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s in my ears so obviously it’s all in my head.

But getting this post written was stressing me out, so it’s back … I understand, though, that the antacid meds the doctor gave me for heartburn could have caused it in the first place. Crazy, eh? So if you’re taking a new medication and you suddenly start to get tinnitus? Check out the side effects of the medication.

And that’s my PSA for the day.

No walk for us today. It’s been hot again and will be for the foreseeable future, and I didn’t wake up until 10am this morning. I must have needed the sleep. Surprisingly, I’m exhausted now. And it’s only 1:24am.

I must need more exercise.

Yep, I’m afraid I’m done for the night. Hope you’re having a good one.



2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

This tired post was brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Find the prompt here and join in!