Life in progress

JusJoJan24 the 2nd – Gregorian


I want to start this post by saying if Gregorian came from a guy named Gregory, there should be a Lindarian something or other.

This post is part of Just Jot it January, and the prompt is courtesy of Willow. Check out her blog here!

Things that were readily available when the Gregorian calendar (the one we use now) came about (in the late 1500s):

  1. Horses on every corner. Or at least on every corner that mattered.
  2. Fresh vegetables without steroids.
  3. Clean air. (Except where the horses were, then WHEW, how ’bout that smell?)
  4. Kids that weren’t glued to a screen most of the time.
  5. Lots of blacksmiths. Because horses.

Things that weren’t readily available when the Gregorian calendar came about:

  1. Horsepower. At least not the car kind.
  2. Milk in bags. Not in Ontario or Quebec, Canada? It’s a thing.
  3. Air that’s free of the scent of horse manure. (But what about those diesel engines? WHEW!)
  4. Computers that could tell you at any given point how many days to Christmas … I could actually do without that, thanks very much.
  5. Few blacksmiths, plenty of tire shops.

And that’s my Lindarian list.

This listy post is part of Just Jot it January! Want to join in? Just click here to get to the prompt and drop your link. It’s fun!

Thanks again to Willow for the prompt!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

26 thoughts on “JusJoJan24 the 2nd – Gregorian

  1. Pingback: Just Jot It January # 2 – Gregorian | teleportingweena

  2. Pingback: JusJoJan24 – 1/2/2024 Rock that Gregorian Chant #jusjojan24 – Kaye Spencer

  3. Pingback: Just Jot It January, Gregorian | Darswords

  4. The Blame Lies Here/#JusJoJan24

    Not sure the first attempt made it through. 🤷‍♀️


  5. A continuation. We shall see how far I can stretch this with your wonderful prompts! 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  6. A pleasure Linda 💜💜💜


  7. Ah to be able to drift in and out of these other times at will.


  8. Pingback: JusJoJan24 the 2nd – Gregorian – theindieshe

  9. Interesting list. Diesel fumes are worse than horse manure (IMO) but usually dissipate faster.

    Allow me to add two more Lindarian things:

    JusJoJan – one of the many Lindarian blog challenges.

    “Once a Week at Woody’s” – A series of Lindarian novels which are entertaining and fun to read.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Not that you are fixated on Gregorian Horses 😆😆😆😆

    Liked by 3 people

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