Life in progress


Fiction is funnier

An encounter this morning with a cashier at the grocery store left me wondering what planet I’m living on. This is how it went:

Her: Hello, how are you?

Me: Fine thanks.

Her: (looking at my t-shirt) What’s that, ‘Ty Chy’?

Me: (realising I’m wearing my Tai Chi practice shirt) Oh! It’s Tai Chi.

Her: What’s that, some kind of food?

Me: (not wanting to confuse her with science) No, it’s an exercise.

Her: (blank stare)

Me: Sort of like yoga.

Her: OH! Yoda! That’s that meditation stuff, right?

Me: (not wanting to get into it) Yeah.

Her: That’s when they tell you if you concentrate enough you can move this way and put that there and Avada Kedavra, you’re flat on your face.

Me: Right.

I wonder if I could have got away with paying for my groceries with Gringotts gold…


photo source: Wikia