Life in progress

Just Jot It January 20th – Surreptitiously


I wonder about the things which cause us to act surreptitiously. You know, the stuff that makes us want to sneak around instead of doing whatever we’re doing out in the open. I can think of a few: shame that we’re not living up to our highest self-standards; fear of judgement; fear of getting caught because we know we’re doing something bad, like cheating or breaking the law. Some of us even blog surreptitiously because we feel like it’s making us neglect other things. Some of us eat surreptitiously, trying to hide from those we love that we’re cheating on our diets. I think that one may mean that we’re even trying to hide our guilty habit from ourselves.

Where am I going with this post? I have no idea. It’s late, I’ve had a ridiculously busy day and I have another one coming up tomorrow. I wish I could hide from it all but there’s no being surreptitious for me. Actually, speaking of being surreptitious, I have a kid with a 24 hour holter monitor on upstairs. He’s supposed to be sleeping but I can’t help but wonder if he’s surreptitiously picking at the stickers. I’ll find out in the morning.

If you’d like to congratulate me on writing the most inane post of the year, please do so in the comments.

The “Surreptitiously” prompt is brought to you by KG over at Books, Music, Photography, & Movies. If you don’t already know her, check out her blog!

JJJ 2016

To find the rules for Just Jot It January, click here and join in today. It’s never too late! And don’t forget to ping back your January 20th post here! If you’d like to combine this with One-Liner Wednesday (which will be posted several hours after this), have at it! Just be sure to link back to both prompts.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

36 thoughts on “Just Jot It January 20th – Surreptitiously

  1. Pingback: Just Jot It January #21–Excitement is in the Air « A Writer's Playground

  2. Pingback: Just Jot It January: definitions, boats, and Tiaras #JusJoJan | Her Headache

  3. Pingback: “Schrodinger’s Basket”: The IDIC Romance for #JusJoJan Day 20 | shanjeniah's Lovely Chaos

  4. Pingback: JustJoJan Day 20 – The List (Adding things and checking them off) | This Thing Called Life One Word at a Time

  5. Pingback: JusJoJan the 20th – Surreptitiously, a 50-word story | inspiration in progress

  6. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Surreptitiously – Just Plain Ol' Vic

  7. Pingback: One-Liner(ish) Wednesday: Mary Oliver on poetry – Top of JC's Mind

  8. Pingback: JUST JOT IT JANUARY – # 20 – SURREPTITIOUSLY | teleportingweena

  9. Well done! Well done! Bravo! 👏👏


  10. Pingback: Behind Closed Doors | Me – Who am I?

  11. Pingback: Surreptitiously #JusJoJan | The Sound of One Hand Typing

  12. Pingback: #JusJoJan — Surreptitiously – Forty, c'est Fantastique !

  13. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Day twenty… | Diary of an Internet Nobody.

  14. Pingback: Use surreptitiously in a sentence | adarkenedhouse

  15. This was great, so much better than I could do with that word, especially after a hectic day. I am guilty of at least one of these – blogging surreptitiously, even though I highly doubt it’s truly a secret anymore. I think it was discovered well over a year ago by someone who’s been reading it surreptitiously ever since.


  16. Oh dear, I do blog surreptitiously, while eating surreptitiously! Especially lately. Oops — that should have been surreptitiously absent.
    And, on the quiet — quite the post! I surreptitiously enjoyed it greatly. And surreptitiously admitting haven’t finished post.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Pingback: Just Jot It January 20 | fiddledeedeebooks

  18. Pingback: Surreptitiously | ladyleemanila

  19. Pingback: Jotting Not a One-Liner — Homework | joeyfullystated

  20. Pingback: Time passages* – Fiona's Favourites

  21. Pingback: Surreptitiously – #JusJoJan prompt for 20th January | Aaron Elmore

  22. I have candy dishes on a bookcase by my office door. Sometimes someone will just sneak their hand in and take a piece. It’s like if nobody sees them eat it, there are no calories.

    Liked by 3 people

  23. Pingback: Just Jot It January #20–Fortune Cookie Messages « A Writer's Playground

  24. Pingback: Just Jot It January ~ 20Jan16 ~ In a Sentence « Just Fooling Around With Bee

  25. Sometimes I have no shame. If I’m going for that second piece of cake I’m going for it,no regrets and the hell with whoever gets in my way. Not my fault if they loose a finger or two…Lol so, no. I’m not very surreptitious.


  26. Oh, there you are, I didn’t see you there…

    Who, me?….um, I was just leaving a comment, honest, but, actually, never mind…


  27. Pingback: Keeping Secrets – Poetry | Promptly Written

  28. Actually, I am rather better than being surreptitious than I thought, Linda. I am one of those who occasionally sneak chocolates out of the tin as I know I shouldn’t have them!


  29. Pingback: Just Jot It January 20th – Surreptitiously | Edwina's Episodes

  30. Ssh! Don’t let anyone know I was here Linda but that was brilliant! 😉 xxxx

    Liked by 3 people

  31. Pingback: JUST JOT IT JANUARY: SURREPTITIOUSLY | willowdot21

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