Life in progress


A Special Thank You

A fool once told me, after I started blogging, that it was useless to think the ‘like’ button on WordPress was anything but a way for others to make me read their work. She told me that the comments I received were worthless. Drivel. Dishonest. That I couldn’t believe anything but that which was brutal, because praise was purely selfish. Her disdain for those she wishes to attract to her own blog is indefensible. It’s no wonder she allows no comments on her site.

This is how I first learned to blog.

I’m overjoyed to have learned the opposite of what I was told. I have made some true friends on WordPress, since I began writing here. I’ve found kindness and acceptance. I’ve found people with whom I share things in common. I’ve laughed with you, I’ve cried for you; I’ve found more honesty here at WordPress than I could possibly have hoped for. I’ve found brilliant insight, read fantastic rants, and taken in beautifully creative fiction and poetry.

Each and every one of you are so dear to me. You’ve helped me find confidence in myself, and many of you have allowed me into your lives. I am so very grateful.

Thank you, so very much to all my readers. WordPress has gifted me with a truly valuable community. I don’t know what I’d do without you all.

Thank you.



EDDD 16 – All I Want – Things

I give up trying not to write anything about Christmas, so for the next seven days I’m going to do just that, at least for my Every Damn Day December entries.

So what I want to know is, if you could have any THING (it has to be a thing, so don’t go saying world peace – that’s later in the week) for Christmas – or for any reason for that matter, what would it be?

Right now I could use a new car… A Lincoln Navigator would be nice.

And you?

Blog post of December 16th, in honour of Every Damn Day December. Check it out!