Life in progress

WordPress Wonderland


Stop me if this sounds familiar:

You turn on your computer on a weekend morning and sit down with your coffee to check your WordPress stats. You see not much has happened since you dragged yourself off to bed the night before so you open your reader. And there it begins. One great post by that blogger whose posts you never miss, followed by reading all the comments and then on to the next post, or the next blog…

What seems like an hour later you’re turning on the light because it’s gotten dark outside and … where did that empty chocolate wrapper come from? You get up to waddle to the kitchen for a glass of water and realize it was actually a pound of chocolate you consumed after you fell down the rabbit hole that is WordPress Wonderland and got lost in the maze of fascinating posts, pictures, recipes and laughter.

It never ceases to amaze me how much unique content can be found here on WordPress. Just when I think I’ve seen it all, something even better, more interesting, more inspiring and always time-consuming comes along to pull me in and keep me seated. And it’s hard! – really hard to stop sometimes. Finding the willpower to walk away from the computer and tidy up my house… It’s almost a no-brainer, for me anyway, which I’d rather be doing. Even editing my novel gets put aside for that post that just popped up…

…so shiny…

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

82 thoughts on “WordPress Wonderland

  1. Oh yes. I’ve been down that rabbit hole far too many times lol


  2. That’s me most every weekend actually. Before I know it, the day has gotten away from me and I’ve still got laundry or groceries to do.. but I keep on reading 😀


  3. You are so right-on!! WordPress is an amazing rabbit hole experience.


  4. You’ve the head the nail exactly on the head – or do you have a secret camera installed in my house? 🙂


  5. “I’m late! I’m Late” **scampers to the next blog**


  6. So it’s not just me? lol


  7. Exactly. Though it tends to be empty cigarette packs and piles of coffee-creamer cups (those little tiny green ones, that you need like ten of per cup) rather than chocolate wrappers.

    I’m so glad I managed to cure my Wikipedia and YouTube addictions; more time for WordPress. XD


  8. Ditto the above comments. It can be an addiction. If I see someone has liked one of my posts I feel I must go check them out and read some of theirs as well. Then there is the ones I am following already. I don’t get much exercise lately either.


  9. Darn. You’ve caught me. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  10. TOO familiar! I keep hope that I will get this ridiculous “time suck” under control 😀


  11. OMG!! I’m not alone!! This is awesome. I am so glad to know that others go through this as well.


  12. Thank God! It’s not just me! It’s almost like…..normal.


  13. Reblogged this on Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life and commented:
    sounds like a typical day to me……so many great blogs, so little time.


  14. Reblogged this on Silver Threading and commented:
    Linda totally nailed it with this post! ♡


  15. My precious…wait, wrong rabbit hole. I know exactly where you are coming from. For me it’s looking up to see the clock reading 3:30am and the alarm goes off at 5:45am. And yes, I have to pull myself out from the mound of discarded candy wrappers that mysteriously appeared around me.


    • Haha! Yeah, I’ve had my share of nights like that too. Weird how those candy wrappers accumulate. I have a theory that they pop out of the screen whenever we look away.
      Never look away!!!


  16. Lovely post! We’ve all been down the rabbit hole before!


  17. I would like more time to spend in Wonderland. I am not sure what to cut out: eating, sleeping, or working so I can afford the other two.
    I love the way you describe it. I find the time I have slips by WAY to fast.


  18. Yes, I’m afraid this does sound too familiar……WP is a web I always get caught in!


  19. I wish it happened more often 😦 I haven’t had time unfortunately. I’ll need to churn out more content to get your attention, though 😛 Hope the chocolate was delicious. If it was dark, then it’s filled with antioxidants.


  20. For me it would be 2 pounds of chocolate:) Loved your post.


  21. Yes it’s a killer, and sometimes the comments are just as entertaining. My life is often on hold as I read and read, and read.


  22. Damn, Doobster beat me to the comments — again. Exactly what I was going to say – about me!
    (Love the phrase, “WordPress Wonderland.”)


  23. I am always getting into trouble for getting stuck in that rabbit hole!!


  24. No seriously where did that chocolate bar wrapper come from!!! Haha wonderful post Linda. I’m having a lot of fun myself looking at new posts everyday.


  25. “One great post by that blogger whose posts you never miss.” Oh, thank you for mentioning me! 😉


  26. I’m a newbie at this whole “blogging thing,” but I do have to admit that I like to get lost in reading a great blog post…like this one. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Been there far too often this week. Barely getting any work done because of it. Break free and let us know about the outside world!


  28. Social media has that tendency to create “vertical time,” where everything just stops while you flip thru it. I’m bad like that, regardless of the platform (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, RSS, YouTube, etc.), especially when I’m out looking for stuff for my blog.


  29. You summed it up beautifully! I often get lost in wordpress and end not finishing the work I needed to get done. But it all worth it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  30. Yes and here is your first comment of this post. I give to you what I sometimes do not receive–not with the hopes of bringing good karma my way, but just to ease a little of your WordPress suffering.

    Liked by 1 person

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