Life in progress

SoCS – Not Knowing


I’m such an idiot. I mean, you’d think I’d think about what I might want to write before I come up with the prompts for SoCS, or at least when I do, but what really inspires me is the words themselves. I don’t think ahead past that until I actually sit down to write the post. This one, for instance.

Someone (sorry, I can’t remember who at the moment, but I’ll look it up when I’m finished writing this – J.L. Campbell (@JL_Campbell) – that’s who it was) said to me the other day on my A-Z reveal that they couldn’t write posts not knowing what they were going to write about ahead of time. I said I thrive on it. And I do. I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forward to this year’s A-Z, finding a word minutes before I sit down to write a post. I think I may end up writing many of the posts largely in Stream of Consciousness style, though I will probably edit them before I publish. For me, once I get on a roll with my writing I can’t stop. It’s like those conversations you have in your head when you finally figure out, sometimes hours later, what you should have said. That witticism that escaped you that makes you, later, slap yourself for not thinking of it sooner. Or the eloquent explanation of how you feel about something that sounds so good in your head, but once the confrontation is upon you, you trip over. THAT’s exactly how being on a roll feels like to me. It’s that speech that’s impossible to reproduce. And that’s the real beauty of not knowing.

This post is part of SoCS: Please join in today! Just click on the link to find out how!

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Badge by: Doobster at Mindful Digressions

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

36 thoughts on “SoCS – Not Knowing

  1. I kept bobbing my head reading your post…love it, love it, love it. I wish I could type as fast as I talk in my head and I type real fast (at least 125 wpm)…I do enjoy stream of conciousness a lot! FreeWriteFriday was my first experience but it is not always available and I sometimes find a photo boxes me in. I like your style of giving us a few words especially that I am not writing as much with more work lately at least these prompts grease the wheels.


  2. This was my first go at SoCs. Hope I did it correctly.
    Great prompt, again. Happy to share here.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those crazy monologues in my head are exactly why I write. I can go on for hours having a conversation with myself, but somehow, it’s never as good when you finally write it down or actually say the words to someone. I don’t know. It’s getting better.

    The more I think about the A-Z challenge, the more worried I get. 😉


  4. Pingback: So CS: Not For Nothing | Her Headache

  5. I don’t know why but this post reminds me of my problem with dictionaries. I open the book to look up one word. Twenty minutes later, having forgotten my original quest, I am still hopping from word to word.


  6. Pingback: Not As Bad As I Used to Be | joeyfullystated

  7. I write very much like that too. for nearly all of my posts, I never have any idea of what I am going to write about. I have tried to be organised for the Blogging A-Z Challenge, but aside for having a theme, I have no idea what I will end up posting. Should be a fun month for us!


  8. I am planning to go stream of consciousness style as well for the challenge. Saves me the worry now – I will let the future me tear out her hair 😛


  9. Ooh! SoC A to Z! Love it 🙂 I am of course very much looking forward to reading your A to Z’s !


  10. I often have conversations in my head like that!


  11. I found two nots. Excellent.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Life is a Flow – Digression | ladyleemanila

  13. So Looking forward to your April A to Z. 🙂 xxxxx


  14. I guess too much pre-planning can become awkward in the context of the moment. That’s one thing I like about SoCS–it allows for a natural flow of words where fancy prose is sacrificed for authenticity.


  15. I kinda know that feeling of when one starts – it is like a can of worms has been opened… pretty much why I have to just NOT open it. There I did last nihgt and out poured SEVEN poems! Sheeesh – 😉 It IS fun though…but so is sleeping!
    Cool post babes 😀


    • Thanks Belinda. 🙂 SEVEN poems? Wow. I’m lucky to get my mind wrapped around one.
      I’m with you on the can of worms. It’s why I have to be alone to write most of the time… which sucks because there’s never enough alone time. 😛


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