Life in progress

The HarsH ReaLiTy (another one bites the dust)


So soon on the heels of the demise of the WordPress site “Mindful Digressions,” hosted by the amazing Doobster, comes the closure of HarsH ReaLiTy, brainchild of our beloved Opinionated Man, Jason Chandler Cushman.

I met Jason shortly after I started writing here on Life in Progress – I commented on one of his posts and was flabbergasted when he responded. From that day forward I knew what it took to gain a following, and quickly learned that there is a community at WordPress – one that is supportive, caring, and friendly. I thought about deleting my post “Save HarsH ReaLiTy,” but I think I’ll keep it open – it illustrates more than anything I’ve seen so far what a fantastic place we have here. You can view it here: Most of all, read the comments. They are inspiring and heartwarming both.

Belinda at Idiot Writing – – and I received an email:

If you have the chance please let people know that HarsH ReaLiTy is closed and is set to private until it can be deleted. I wish everyone the best and appreciate the connections I made over the past two years.


He, like Doobster, is closing his site for personal reasons. Here is Belinda’s post:

For all the lessons you taught us, for all the support you gave us with re-blogs, challenges, and posts to share our own sites, for all the lively and entertaining discussions, I wish to say thank you, Cush. It was a real pleasure to get to know you. Your footprints in the sand (or snow) of my memory will remain.

In the spirit of OM’s mission on WordPress, please feel free to leave your tribute to Jason in the comments, or a link to your own post about him and what he meant to you. And check out each other’s sites. Let’s make Jason proud of what he accomplished!

As we remember all the wonderful, humorous articles and lists, the amusing one-liners, the controversial opinion pieces, and the loving photos of his family, let us lift a glass to our friend.

Cheers, Jason! May you and your beautiful family live a long and prosperous life!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

222 thoughts on “The HarsH ReaLiTy (another one bites the dust)

  1. Thank you for letting us know. I have just read everyone’s comments before mine and feel the same sadness and vacancy in my reader feed. I was wondering if he had dropped me (lol like I’m big time or something haha) I wish you all the best OM, thanks for all your help and support if you read this, you are the first blogger to have made me feel welcome on WordPress. Your wit and wisdom will be missed.


  2. I had hoped he would resolve the ongoing situation and return however I notice he also seems to have either removed his facebook or altered his settings as he had added me on there as a friend and has since disappeared so it maybe that things have progressed to a point where it has been necessary to remove his online presence completely to protect his family, I can only hope he and his family are all safe and well and maybe he will read this and know people wish the best for him even if we will miss his presence.


  3. it’s such a shame. he will be missed.


  4. Wow! I know I haven’t received posts lately, but thought he was just on hiatus with his family. I know WP has been less than kind to him, but I know my life will be truly less for his absence. If you read this, Jason, know that you are loved.


  5. I only knew him a week. I left a couple comments. Then he reblogged one of my posts and a I gained as many followers that day as I did the whole month before. For this, I’ll always be thankful. I wish I would had a chance to read more of his stuff. His kind of humor sounds much like my own!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Reblogged this on I Read Encyclopedias for Fun and commented:
    When I saw this in my reader, I was surprised, yet not surprised. Jason Cushman, aka Opinionated Man, has closed down his blog, HarsH ReaLiTy. I read frequently, but didn’t comment as much as I should have. But when I did, he always responded, and he did so with both a wonderful sense of humour and tons of helpfulness. You see, he was actually quite a generous person, helping out other bloggers become better bloggers. Many people loved his blog, and there were those who hated it. Whatever his reasons are for closing down his blog, I wish him luck. I hope to see him around the blogosphere again. Please read what Linda G. Hill has said about him. Lots of people have commented there.


  7. Not happy to hear this. Will definitely miss him. I’m not surprised, though. The signs have been there for quite some time that he’d eventually close his blog.


  8. Pingback: Opinionated Man. | Live Love Laugh

  9. He’s been with me since the beginning of my blog- and was the one person that I could really enjoy out quick one lines back and forth with perfect humour. Supportive emails not excluding. Find your next summit, Jason!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am unsurprised but devastated. Jason, I found to be one of the most generous, supportive human beings I have ever come across. Here is my tribute to Jason – from some time ago
    I do hope that as I say there, that the phoenix does rise again. It’s hard to keep a good man down.
    And I miss Doobster. I went looking for him and sent a request to view his site, but he didn’t reply – and there I was thinking that I’d been commenting too much (silly me!). Linda, please give him my best if you are in touch with him.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for sharing this sad news. Jason is a great and always helpful friend. He will be missed so very much. I really hope this is not the monster of a troll, who forced him to close down.
    Jason, I wish you all the best for both you and your beautiful family. I hope that you will consider to come back, when you feeel for that – one day… 😉


  12. This is sad news indeed. He will be sadly missed in WP, although I hadn’t been following him that long, he had been following me. He gave support and ideas to everyone. I wish him well.


  13. One of the first blogs I saw here at WordPress. Only good thoughts coming your way from this corner Jason. And I hope… all is well. :O)


  14. As I joined Word Press and tried to learn about blogging vs. writing, I studied various blogs – some casual others too distant and proper. That’s when I observed that OM is a real blogger, not only that he has great command over language but he’s caring and connected to one and all within the blogging community. Genuine human being. Wish him and his family all the best!


  15. This sucks, I learned so much about blogging by reading his stuff, he also let me do guest posts and reblogged for me quite a bit. I thought he had one of the best blogs out there and I am certainly gonna miss hearing from our little ninja/wizard/squirrel hating blogger buddy.
    Bye Cush I really hope this is a see ya later and not a goodbye for good.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Sad 😦
    He was very helpful, even though you never knew what he would say next 😉
    I am going to miss him………
    I wish him the very best wherever he goes next.


  17. Oh Linda!!! That is indeed a very sad news. I was wondering what happened when I was away on my vacation. I come back to see his posts for a day and then he vanished. I wish him and his family all the very best in life. He will be missed 😦


  18. I’m sad…I can’t believe he close down his blog. He was a incredible I will miss his daily post 😢


  19. Reblogged this on A Momma's View and commented:
    What a shame… I hope Jason is fine. Shame to lose him…

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Reblogged this on Jorda's Blog and commented:
    Saddened by this news. Harsh Reality was one of the first blogs I followed when I began here at WordPress. I was hoping this absence was on a temporary thing but apparently it is not. Maybe one day we will be blessed with the return of OM but if not, I am glad to have been able to know of him and of Harsh Reality. Thanks for everything you have done for all us bloggers and for bringing so many of us together with your words.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I don’t know? It feels like that somebody died? First the Mindful Mindful Digressions then OM? It’s because of him we, Buddha9 and me got viewers stopping by. Damn.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Reblogged this on ButchCountry67 and commented:
    Wordpress Lost another great Blogger, OM aka Opinionated Man shut down his blog and has left for personal reasons , it is truly a sad event, he has helped countless thousands get their blogs up and running, and went to great lengths to get bloggers to interact and explore each other, many connections were made possible thanks to OM, connections that may have otherwise never happened, he will be greatly missed by many, I am deeply saddened by his departure from wordpress, but do understand that family must always come first. Best Wishes wherever you are Jason, may you have a happy and healthy life and great success in all that you do.


  23. So sorry to see Jason go. He really helped me a lot when I switched over to my new blog. I recently acquired my first troll and gave him a good ole fashioned smack down… in my zen way 🙂 but I thought of Jason as I politely told the troll to go away. Thank you for posting this, Linda.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Reblogged this on ladyleemanila and commented:
    So sad to see Jason Chandler Cushman go. Here’s to say thanks to you – Opinionated Man and Harsh Reality…..Good luck our friend and hope to see you again…

    Liked by 1 person

  25. Reblogged this on The Rattling Bones and commented:
    Thank you, Linda for putting this up. So sad to see Jason go… Best wishes were ever you are ~OM~ you will be missed


  26. Thanks for letting us know, Linda! I was wondering why it went so quiet with OM. He will be missed! All the best to you, Jason!


  27. Oh nooooo. I’m sad. He helped me a lot when I was new here. Always willing to help! I’ll miss him.


  28. interesting…I can’t bring up this post to read it. tried twice.

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  29. Oh man. He was such a great blogger. I always looked forward to reading what he had to say. Sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but always clever. Like you, I too was amazed when I would leave a simple comment and he would take the time to respond to me. Considering he could get hundreds of comments on a single blog post, that’s pretty impressive and shows how much he cared about supporting others and letting them know that there were heard. R.I.P. to the great OM!

    Liked by 1 person

  30. *starts crying* Oh Jason… I can’t believe it. All right I will stop bawling.

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  31. I too am sorry to hear this and previously sent my goodbyes and well-wishes to Jason when I noticed his absence in my mailbox. We all owe him a debt of gratitude for his warm welcome on WP and his many valuable tips on how to be a good community member. Jason, I miss you already!


  32. Really sorry to read this. He was the hardest working blogger I’d ever come across. I’ve enjoyed all he created, the rows and the fun. He was a very generous blogger and taught so many, including myself, so much. I’d put money on him re inventing himself in time to come, and I look forward to that day.
    As long as he is happy.

    Liked by 2 people

  33. Very sad to hear this. Thank you for informing us all. I’m glad to see so many people shared this appreciation for OM and are making these kind posts about him. He was awesome and I’ve found that the community around him is too. I’m glad to see everyone reacting so positively.

    As a still new blogger, he really hooked me into it, showing how fun and awesome it can be and I appreciate his views and how helpful he was to me and others. It’s something I would like to emulate as I develop my own blog.

    I’m glad to see he’s left a legacy here with all these great bloggers that I have been meeting through him.

    Rest In Peace Opinionated Man.

    Liked by 3 people

  34. This post is now a tribute to OM/Jason and his HarsH ReaLiTy. Sad that he have met the same destiny in an e-way, as the man I thought of when I wrote the post. But I still believe in a e-reborned OM 🙂
    First blogger ever? | FärgaregårdsAnna

    Liked by 2 people

  35. I’m not one to second guess another’s reason for doing what ever they choose to do. We may never know why Cush chose to end his posts but we can rest assured that it wan’t a lack of positive energy, love and appreciation that drove him to it. If he chooses to return he will find a many waiting to welcome him. If not, Godspeed and thanks for sharing the ride.

    Liked by 4 people

  36. You will be missed! Au revoir. *wayes a kerchief in the air*
    Nice of you, Linda, to let us all know about his whereabouts.
    Thank you!

    Liked by 3 people

  37. Jason is an incredibly giving person, and he will be sorely missed by many. I hope he finds contentment and happiness in whatever he decides to do.

    Liked by 2 people

  38. Dang it, well that explains why his posts dropped off my reader and were’nt coming in the emails, I feel truly sad that he has shut down his wordpress , and it frosts my @ss knowing that the ignorant narcissistic troll that was constantly harassing him will be gloating and thinking he is the all powerful OZ of wordpress now , he will claim Om shut it down because of him, I will truly miss OM, I thought of him as a friend, he always helped everyone especially new bloggers, and introduced me to all of you , he always gave me constructive criticism , never mean spirited whenever I asked him this or that, he is very honest and tells it like it is, I will sorely miss him 😦

    Liked by 4 people

    • OM was a great blogger and is a great guy. I too am sad, but we have to understand that he’s doing what he has to for personal reasons. His family must of course come first.
      We’ll all miss him greatly. Thank you kindly for your comment, Butch. I’m happy I got to meet you through Jason’s site. 🙂

      Liked by 5 people

    • All things come around. I am a firm believer in this considering countless things have come around to kick me in my own ass. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  39. I am new in this community. Harsh Reality was the platform from where I came to know all of you, my new friends. Jason was very kind and the thing which I learned was his bravery, I always admire his bold personality. I really miss Harsh Reality, I miss Jason. We all miss Jason.

    Liked by 4 people

  40. dang, and he also closed his twitter. I guess a person gets tired, especially when there are trolls who just won’t die. So here’s my tribute. For the brief time I’ve been blogging, I have found OM/HarshReality/Jason to be nothing but helpful and frequently hilarious and always admirable, he even reposted a blog I wrote to introduce me to his readers. Thank you Jason and I hope you’re back soon.

    Liked by 4 people

  41. Jason was always a champion in my eyes, Linda G. Whenever we dropped in at each other’s blogs, he took the time to tell me exactly what he thought. No punches pulled, ever. You are a good man, Mr. Crushman. May you and your beautiful family forever prosper. Thanks for all you’ve done for me and so many. You’re not too bad for a Broncos’ fan. 😀

    Liked by 3 people

  42. I thought it was strange when I couldnt see his posts anymore but at least it was for his own reason. 🙂

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  43. He’s not having a bad depressive episode, is he? I know he said he suffered from it.

    He will be missed, but I wish I could contact him to ask him to reconsider.

    Liked by 3 people

    • As far as I know he’s not having a depressive episode, but who knows, right? He’s not answering his emails – I was told this by another blogger. If you don’t have his public email, contact me privately I’ll give you his public address – I don’t want to post it here. My email can be found on my “about me” page.

      Liked by 3 people

      • I realized that he’s contacted me before when I guest posted, so I’ll reply to that email. Hopefully he’ll respond to me.

        As for depression, I know that whenever I have a bad enough episode I have to stay away from the “delete blog” buttons. It’s a gut reaction to try to remain insular. However, it affects everyone differently, so right now I’m just concerned.

        Also, I really hope it’s not because of that jackass on that other blog that kept harassing him.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I have also sent Jason a note. I don’t mind if he doesn’t reply but just wish to know that he and is family are ok.


    • Technically I get depressed when I finish any good bottle of scotch. It is like little drops of sadness at the end you know? 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  44. Reblogged this on galesmind and commented:
    Thanks Linda this makes me so sad. Jason you helped my blog and many others become what they are. That is your legacy. I will never forget how you made us think, learn and travel with you. Good bye friend.


  45. Thanks, Linda. As you know, I was worried when I couldn’t find OM’s site. But at least it’s comforting to know that it was his own decision to leave – I kept envisioning men in dark suits visiting his home in the middle of the night and seizing his computer (and him).

    Jason – If you’re reading this, please know that you will be missed. It was especially fun to occasionally trade sparring comments, and I, for one, truly appreciated the support you gave to me and other newbies.

    Liked by 5 people

  46. Nooooooooo!! Why did you leave us, Mr. OM?
    It was a pleasure serving with you, sir. Wishing you all the best on your journey, and here’s to hoping we’ll catch up and meet each other soon.

    Thanks for letting us know, Linda, and thanks for such a heartwarming post!

    Liked by 4 people

  47. Beautifully written my dear – thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  48. This makes me very sad. 😢

    Liked by 3 people

  49. What a terrible shame that he has decided to close down Harsh Reality. From what I knew of him, he was nothing but helpful to other bloggers, especially us newbies. He gave us load of opportunities to promote our blogs through his own. I am sad that he has had enough, and wish him and his family the very best.

    Liked by 4 people

  50. Pingback: All the Best in a Harsh Reality~ | Idiot Writing

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