Life in progress


Tuesday Use It In A Sentence – Cabalistic

Her cabalistic habits sometimes got in the way of her household budget – she couldn’t go to the grocery store without buying half a dozen candles in different shapes and sizes.


Join us at Tuesday Use It In a Sentence! Visit A Word Adventure this week to find out how. šŸ˜€




Keeping it Real with Reintroductions

If you hadn’t heard, Linda is flying away to a land far away this week so she asked for some help with theĀ  SoCS prompt. I was excited to help, but then I remembered that Linda likes me to “introduce” myself and I don’t know; I just feel so awkward. It most likely won’t stop me in the future, but maybe it will remind me to plan better, although I’m not entirely sure how you plan one of these posts.

I guess I’ll just jump right in and go for it. If you were around last year, I’ll try not to bore you with a repeat of my first introduction post.

Not much has changed with me since last year except my day job. After six months of working a job I really hated, I finally found something that I love, but it restricts when I can actually jump on the blog and write. I’ve had to work writing and blogging into my nighttime and weekends and it hasn’t been as easy as it was a year ago, but I feel it’s totally worth the sacrifices. Every time I go a few days without posting, I feel like I’m missing something and I inevitably end up hearing from a family member to get my butt in gear.

Perhaps the change in my circumstance led to the change that has happened on my blog. I’ve done a lot more poetry this year, which hasn’t been a bad thing. I’m reminded how much I love poetry. I do miss the longer stories I used to write, but those take a lot more out of me and at this point, I can’t seem to find the time. I’m hoping I can fit them in once I’m more established at the new job.

I also started my very own prompt this summer called Song Lyric Sunday. I love music and wanted to share my favorite music with my blogging friends and have them share their favorites with me. It’s more like a simmer right now instead of the wildfire I hoped it would be, but I do love those who have participated with me. If you’re interested, you are more than welcome to jump in!

You can find me over at This Thing Called Life One Word at a Time. As I’ve said, I write poetry, flash fiction and I try to write stream of conscious every Saturday, although I’ve missed a few weeks this year. I have three beautiful kids that I write about quite a lot and I’ve written a few posts about the struggle with the day job. I guess you could say I try to keep it real.

I’m excited to read all your posts on Saturday. I hope I can make Linda’s absence not seem so rough, although I know she will be missed.