Life in progress

#SoCS – No Food for Thought


I think I write better when I’m hungry. It seems almost like when there’s no food in my stomach, I’m not full of unnecessary things. It could also be that I can relax better on a full stomach, which makes me feel more tired. I do need coffee though. I have a hard time writing when decaffeinated.

It’s like the air, the atmosphere I’m in: I don’t need quiet, in particular, but I do need to be free of distraction to write. So if I’m in a busy restaurant, have a television on in the background, or music, I’m okay to write away. If I have Alex asking me questions every 45 seconds, I can’t concentrate. I’m almost afraid to try to write when I’m in the room with him – which is why I’m so far behind. He won’t allow me to go to another room. His insistence on getting attention is worse if I’m not beside him.

The other night my eldest one lined up the magnetic numbers on the fridge in order. I rearranged them to 8675309.


He got the reference. That made me happy, since he’s only 21 years old.

SoCS badge 2015

This post is part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday! Please go click the following link to see how you, too, can join in!


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

30 thoughts on “#SoCS – No Food for Thought

  1. Love the number – Jenny. 🙂


  2. Children’s tv is the worst for distracting me, especially those bloody chipmunks, but any talking really doesn’t help. I often write with music though, even on headphones (to drown out those bastard chipmunks) and that actually helps me focus somehow.

    Alex is way ahead of me then, I have no idea what those numbers mean.


  3. Everybody can create better when they are a bit hungry. Food digestion on its own is a lot of work for body, and the brain is not overwhelmed with unnecessary chemical reactions. I believe ability to focus on one thing or another depends on the type of personality and the life they have had. I can focus in any environment when nobody approaches me directly. Everybody is different, but I think it’s more difficult to focus for those who are sensitive or feel annoyed with any smallest disturbance.


  4. It varies with me, if I have a difficult task to write I often turn off all noise like music and write in silence so I give the piece my full attention. When I working and had to mark student essays I would put classical music or new wave on in the background I think it helped to take the edge of my grinding my teeth over the often troubling work I was presented with to mark…


  5. I always write with music. I now use IHeart radio and can get a number of different artists and types.


  6. It’s an important song… Created a new law about fake phone numbers!


  7. I can write with background noise, the TV, music, traffic and whatever, but I probably can’t write if I’m hungry. I don’t know that I’ve tried, but the times that I set aside for writing are after I’ve eaten.

    Great song reference 🙂


  8. I’m jealous you can write to music or television noise. :/ Good for you.


  9. I know I write better first thing in the morning. I never put together that maybe it’s because I’m still hungry. but, yes, coffee is definitely a necessity. I can write with music in the background(it’s another must for me actually) but find the tv and other people(even if they aren’t talking to me) too distracting.


  10. Those numbers will stay in your head a long while, even without the music. ☺


  11. I think we are healthier, more motivated, more lots of things if we are just a bit hungry for food, for love, for whatever. I really believe that. ❤
    Diana xo


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