Life in progress

Hopefully the final update on Alex, plus the 2019 Just Jot it January update!


Alex is home!

He’s still coughing, still having a bit of a tough time breathing, but his cardiac numbers were better and we decided home was a better place to be. So I’ll watch him closely for the next couple of days, and hopefully we’ll be all back to our normal chaos for his second week of Christmas vacation.

Just Jot it January 2019!

The first of January is tomorrow already!!

Normally, I’d have gathered up prompts by now from all of you, but with the mess this past weekend has been, it just wasn’t happening. So I’m going to do something different for the first week this year.

Tomorrow’s jot will be whatever you want to do with it, though I will post a prompt post just so you have something to ping back to. Wednesday the 2nd will be the regular one-liner, and on Thursday I’m thinking of doing something special. Maybe. We’ll see. Sometime before Sunday, though, I’ll post a request for prompts from you to get us through the rest of the month.

Stay tuned for the Just Jot it January rules post coming up right after this one.

Let’s do this thing!

Happy New Year, everyone!!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

42 thoughts on “Hopefully the final update on Alex, plus the 2019 Just Jot it January update!

  1. Alexx
    Normally I wouldn’t reach out to celebrities. However I pray you and your ready to love date truly make it. Long life and good health, lots of kids, and wealth. God bless


  2. I’m happy Alex is doing better. Hopefully things went well with the nurse, too!


  3. Great to hear Alex is doing well 💜💜💜


  4. Glad to hear your son is home. Happy New Year


  5. So glad to hear that Alex is feeling better. Looking forward to Jus JoJan. You always make me write for at least one month! 😊 As always I hope it lasts longer than that…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So glad Alex is home. (Sorry I was late in my email reading for blogs so…) I had forgotten about Jot It January. Can’t wait to get my writing chops going again. Happy and restful New Year!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Glad he’s home and getting better. Hope he’s fully recovered soon. Happy New Year.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Good news!! Glad Alex is home and on the mend.

    You’re my hero 🦸‍♀️ for proceeding with Just Jot January. Can’t wait 😊. Though I’m in denial that tomorrow is 1/1/19!!!! How’d that happen again ?!??!?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. It sounds like it was a tough week but that your son is on the mend – and hopefully you are too.


  10. I’m happy to hear that Alex is home. I hope you guys can rest now. You’re a trooper, Linda.


  11. Glad to hear that Alex is home. I hope you both get some good rest. Best wishes for good health and happiness in the new year!


  12. I know there is relief for him as well as you that he is home. Great news. Will still keep the wrap of prayers going as that cough may longer for awhile. Ha[[iest of new years


  13. Glad you’re back home together. No worries about the blog. We’ll be here. Happy days ahead I’m sure.


  14. Answered prayers. Happy New Year, Linda.

    Liked by 2 people

  15. I’m happy he’s home. Enjoy your home and Happy New Year!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Good to hear Alex is home and you are expecting a return to chaos. Best wishes for the new year Linda, love from down under.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Glad he’s home! Happy new year Linda 😻

    Liked by 1 person

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