Life in progress

Blogging – #JusJoJan Jot #3


I started this blog in July of 2012 with one post and absolutely no idea what I was doing. That post has one view, which was me accidentally logging myself out and looking at it. It didn’t matter, really, what I wrote: no one was ever going to see it anyway. I was no one. I’d tried Googling my own name and found nothing.

Then, in January of 2013, I decided to try again. I looked around WordPress and followed a few people, some of whom followed me back. I commented on a couple of blogs but really got nothing in return until I found HarsH ReaLiTy, a blog hosted by Jason Cushman, AKA Opinionated Man. I followed his lead, had a post reblogged by him, and that was it. I’d arrived.

Since then, I’ve done everything I can to help out others with their quest to get their blogs noticed. I suppose in a way it helps me to fill the desire to be of assistance, but more than that, it allows me to share with other people the joy that the communities here can bring. Blogging is different from other social media in that we can connect on WordPress on a deeper level than with the sound byte that exists on Facebook, Twitter, and other such places where scrolling makes it far too easy to ignore lengthy text. Original text.

I’ve made real friends here. People I care about and who I know genuinely care about me. I feel more comfortable meeting bloggers in person than anyone I might encounter on other social media sites because I feel I can get to know bloggers better.

So yeah, blogging has changed my life. I feel connected to the world in a way I never would have.

And I can find myself on Google now, too.

This post is part of Just Jot it January! Click the following link to see how you, too, can join in and find an amazing community of bloggers!


Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

36 thoughts on “Blogging – #JusJoJan Jot #3

  1. Am feeling the same right here dear, hope you can help pls


    • I had a look at your blog. Looks good so far, though if you put a static page on your home page, maybe stating what you plan to blog about, that will take care of that.
      Just keep posting! And don’t forget to use categories and tags so people looking for the things you’re interested in will find you.
      Be sure also to visit other blogs and comment. It’s the best way to meet people and get your community together! Best of luck, Emma!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel the same. Can you imagine all the people I’d never have the opportunity to read without your impact on my blog? Thanks for making my WP Community what it is 🙂


  3. Awww!! Yay. How lucky for us!! Such a good prompt. I’m really enjoying all the origin stories.

    When I Googled Drommen is a pervert and found a post I’d written after reading your Second Seat on the Right series, that’s how I knew I made it. Life would never be the same. Lol 😂


  4. Thanks for all of your writing, Linda, and for all your prompts, and for just being beautiful:)


  5. I no longer use Facebook or Twitter, though I do have accounts there, one in a fake name which tells you everything you need to know about Fakebook. I LOVE blogging and for this exact reason that you so clearly wrote: “Blogging is different from other social media in that we can connect on WordPress on a deeper level than with the sound byte that exists on Facebook, Twitter, and other such places where scrolling makes it far too easy to ignore lengthy text. Original text.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nicely written! I find that I only go to Facebook, now, to wish a happy birthday or if I’m called out. Well, maybe if one of my children or my wife posts something, but not much after that. Too much to read here!


  7. Well from small beginnings you have grown like topsy. I feel I have always known you. I heard of that opinionated man too 😉😉😉😉💙💜


  8. Ha. Careful what you wish for. When I’ve googled myself in the past it came up with a porn star. Lol

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Pingback: Follow Friday 2019 #1 – The Haunted Wordsmith

  10. It definately helps your blog when you make yourself visible by commenting on other people’s blogs, taking part in challenges and writing frequently.


  11. Dr C (OM ) was pretty key for me too!
    And I fell into it all by accident as well!
    It’s amazing how blogging can change your life!


  12. I had a similar experience to you when I first started blogging two years ago, Linda. I sent blogs out into the WP wilderness and I looked to see what other people did. I was lucky as I came upon Sally Cronin from Smorgasbord relatively quickly in my blogging life and she reblogged a post of mine. I met some lovely people through that and also, never looked back.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Glad to hear Alex is doing better. It is interesting that I’ve told the kids many times not to “talk” to strangers on the internet and yet there are some bloggers I know more about than I do the next door neighbor! Thanks for all you do to support us, Linda. I appreciate you.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Pingback: Just Blog It: Just Jot It January 3, 2019 – ShanJeniah's Lovely Chaos

  15. I couldn’t agree more. Blogging is the best thing I could have done for myself. I am so thrilled by all the wonderful people I have met right here, including you Linda 🙂👍💕

    Liked by 1 person

  16. It’s funny to think about how something as weird as blogging (well, weird to those who don’t blog) has had such an impact on so many of us!


  17. Indeed, WordPress is a great medium. It makes me a better person.


  18. Blogging is different from other social media in that we can connect on WordPress on a deeper level than with the sound byte that exists on Facebook, Twitter, and other such places where scrolling makes it far too easy to ignore lengthy text.” – so true.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. I’ve heard that guy is a real ass hat… 🤔

    Liked by 3 people

  20. I agree with your philosophy that bloggers want to get their blogs noticed, but I write out of necessity and I know that I am not popular and probably never will be, but I gain satisifaction knowing that I have done something.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I do enjoy meeting people from everywhere. Never thought I would ever blog and now it the most fun thing to do. Hope Alex is better still today. Have a great new year.


  22. Woohoo! Glad you kept at it. I am looking forward to seeing what you do this year 🙂


  23. i think that’s how we begin, with no readers, no response and we can’t give up. i have much the same beginning )


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