Life in progress

Enigmatic – #JusJoJan Jot #4


“Enigmatic” is, for some reason or another, one of those words I always mix up the meaning of. I don’t know why, but I keep thinking it means the same thing as “charismatic.” Yeah, I know the word “enigma” is right there, plain as day. And I know what that means.

‘Tis a mystery. 😉

I enjoy writing both enigmatic and charismatic characters. The combination of the two absolutely delicious. A tall, dark, handsome, and mysterious Prince Charming to whisk away the princess and give her the happily ever after she’s always desired.

Rarely does real life work out that way though, does it? The enigmatic prince ends up hiding his feelings until the princess wants to rip her hair out. Not so romantic.

Nah, I prefer living vicariously through my characters these days. Far less messy.

Thank you so much again to Virgobeauty for our prompt word of the day! You can find her post for today here!

If you’d like to join in, click the following link to find the rules. It’s fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

11 thoughts on “Enigmatic – #JusJoJan Jot #4

  1. Yup my blog is a much safer place than the real world 💜💜


  2. Enigmatic goes so well with charismatic though, doesn’t it? You know these people, you write these people! When both things are going on, we can’t tear our eyes away.


  3. Ha ha. Yeah I checked out the meaning just to be sure before I started my post.


  4. Your post made me smile, Linda.


  5. I have always said if some guy really looks that good, that means his S___ is twice as bad.


  6. Ha! I’ll never look at the prince the same way again lol. Good one

    Liked by 1 person

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