Life in progress

#SoCS – A dig in the ribs


Eyes ribbed raw (typo intentional) by blinking eyes and sandpaper eyelids, I type this with my eyes closed tonight. Unable to look at the screen anymore.

Working too hard, I need a dig in the ribs to make me stop. To rest.

I forget what it’s like to take a day off. But I can’t. Not now. Maybe in a few weeks.

No link tonight. You know where to find the SoCS prompt.

Good night.



SoCS badge by Pamela, at




Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

10 thoughts on “#SoCS – A dig in the ribs

  1. Until you can take a day off, take an afternoon off, or at least a couple of hours. You deserve it. What would you do with a couple of hours to relax? ….. Okay, now DO IT! ❤


  2. I hope you find a way to take a break. Even a short one would be good.


  3. Sending you waves of peaceful rest. Take some time to regenerate.


  4. Please take a break. You need the rest!


  5. A break is necessary


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