Life in progress

#SoCS – A new word


Procrastinatingly. That’s how I’ve been doing everything today. What’s that? It’s tomorrow already? Case in point.

I really need to start writing for my own prompts on the day they’re supposed to be written. I promise to make a concerted effort next week. There. Now I’ve said it, I have to do it.

When I haven’t been actually doing something I was supposed to be doing today yesterday, I’ve been contemplating existentialism in narration. And wondering if all narration in stories isn’t just that–a character self-realizing existence. Am I explaining myself very well? Probably not.

And no, I’m not stoned, but I kinda feel like the “Dude”s in my Second Seat series.

Dude, do you think that character knows he’s in a book?

Woah! Dude!

Yeah, kinda like that.

So, um, that’s a glimpse into my brain. Now aren’t you sorry you asked? Wait, you didn’t ask?


SoCS badge by Pamela, at

This crisis post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday, the later version. Click the following link to find all the earlier-version posts in the comments and join in! It’s fun!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

14 thoughts on “#SoCS – A new word

  1. “Dude, do you think that character knows he’s in a book?” I love it! Gotta get back to that series! You’ve set a good goal , but you can respond the prompt whenever works for you. You’re the boss!


  2. Maybe I should end my letters “Procrastinatingly yours.” That’d work! Maybe sometime you can start us by picking a gerund (a verbal noun, like “sailing” or “bowling.”


  3. Fandango pointed out that you already had us do an adverb prompt.


    • Really? When? It wasn’t in my master prompt list.


    • Damn it! I found it. I listed it as “ends in -ly” so it didn’t show up in my search.
      Well, there’s one for the books. It’s the only repeated prompt since March 2014–when I think of it that way, I’m not doing too bad. 😛
      Copying and pasting this to Fandango’s post.


  4. I love every word.


  5. Characters do sometimes come alive. I’ve always suspected that they give the author some guidance. Thanks for hosting. I think that gives you some leeway to be fashionably late.


  6. Deliberate procrastination and life intervention are two different things, Linda. I loved the prompt this week.


  7. Hi Linda great ramble round your thoughts 💜

    Liked by 1 person

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