Life in progress

One-Liner Wednesday – Badge Contest, 2019!


EDIT: Contest closed. Watch for the poll, to be posted here tomorrow morning (Monday, June 10), to vote for your favourite design. To get an early look at the contestants, go to the comment section below and click on the links.

Get out your art supplies, ladies and gentlemen, because it’s time for a new One-Liner Wednesday badge!

I’m a few weeks late this year (sorry, eh?), so I can’t promise the next badge will stay in circulation for a full 52 weeks, but it’ll be close! All you have to do is follow the guidelines below, and you can be entered into the contest!

Before we get started though, a moment of silence (and peace, and love) for the little friend who has graced our Wednesday pages for the past year and a bit.

#1linerWeds badge by Cheryl, at

Thank you so much, Cheryl, for sharing your little friend with us. He’ll always have a special place in my heart. I hope you’ll enter the contest again this year!

This week’s One-Liner Wednesday will be the last one with Cheryl’s badge. Participate and enjoy it while you can!

Here are the guidelines for entry into the contest:

1. The design can be anything you want it to be, but it must include “One-Liner Wednesday” and your name and/or the name of your website.

2. Any pictures (art or photo) must be your own, and they must be family-friendly.

3. When you’re happy with your badge and you’re ready to share it, write a blog post on your own website and link back HERE in the comments, so voters can check it out. The deadline to do this is Sunday, June 9th, 11:59pm EST. All links included here by that time will be added to a poll.

4. All entries will be shared here on my blog on Monday, June 10th, 2019, along with the poll that will close the next day, Tuesday the 11th.

5. The winner’s badge will be available for anyone who participates in One-Liner Wednesday to post permanently on their website as a widget and/or to embed in their weekly One-Liner Wednesday post for the next year, give or take a couple of weeks.

6. One entry per person. The contest is open to anyone with an active blog, WordPress or otherwise (see #3 for entry requirements).

7, Poll results will not be available while the poll is open. If there is a tie, I will choose the winner myself.*

8. If I’ve missed anything, or if you have any questions, please ask in the comment section below.

9. Have fun!

*I retain the right to refuse any badge that is distasteful, regardless of the number of votes it receives.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

36 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday – Badge Contest, 2019!

  1. 😞I submitted my entry yesterday and the link works but I don’t see the ping here. Darn. 😞


  2. I think I am too late to cast a vote but I loved blue badge design by Laura (Riddle From the Middle). I could definitely enjoy seeing that every week from all the bloggers who participate 🙂


  3. The standard of entry this year is brilliant, Good Luck everyone and Linda , Sis as ever thank you for hosting 💜💜💜💜


  4. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday…. | sparksfromacombustiblemind

  5. Pingback: My Entry for the One Liner Wednesday badge | pensitivity101

  6. Here is my entry:


  7. Pingback: Have you entered the contest yet? |

  8. Pingback: One-Liner Wednesday Badge Contest – Why Not? – From Cave Walls

  9. Pingback: Badge Contest Over At Linda’s – J-Dubs Grin and Bear It

  10. Pingback: Contest for One-Liner Wednesday Badge | Tessa Can Do It! Positivity is Catching!

  11. Pingback: 2019 #1linerWeds badge contest – Riddle from the Middle

  12. Pingback: Pelicans in Flight for #1linerWeds | Anything is Possible!

  13. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday Badge Contest 2019 | Nut House Central

  14. Okay, Linda, I decided to get brave and give this a shot. I’ll link my badge submission tomorrow. Thanks for hosting!!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Pingback: One Liner Wednesday June 5/2019 – Keep it alive

  16. Pingback: 2019 #LinerWeds Badge Contest – This, That, and The Other

  17. Pingback: that is enough – #1linerWeds – Riddle from the Middle

  18. Pingback: My Entry for the 2019 #1LinerWeds Badge Competition . | willowdot21

  19. Hi Linda! My little Monotiti friend and I have loved representing your One Liner Wednesday prompt and how quickly the year passed! He may have some special friends hanging around. I’ll see if I can coax them out for this year’s contest. Peace, love and One Liner Wednesday forever. 💕

    Liked by 3 people

  20. Pingback: My Entry In the 2019 #1LinerWeds Badge Contest! – The Sound of One Hand Typing

  21. Pingback: A Badge of Love, 1LinerWeds – For the Love of

  22. I might try again ,💜


  23. I have a great picture that I would like to enter but I have yet figured out how to write on top of a photo in WordPress. I may send it anyway as it is precious.


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