Life in progress

#SoCS – Kringle Ingle


What day is it today? Okay, technically it’s Sunday where I am. But all day Saturday I was confused. Of course, having a kid home on a Friday because there’s no school will do that to a parent.

It’s almost time for Kris Kringle, as a matter of fact.

Kris Kringle to leave footprints on my shingles.

And slip down the chimney into my ingle. (Which I just found out is a fire in a fire place.)


Sing it with me …

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire …

Maybe that’s why his suit is red.

To symbolize the many times he’s been set alight.

Kringle crackling on an open fire …

That works.

Poor guy.

Speaking of Christmas, I think I’ve got almost all my shopping done. Already! I’m early this year. Normally I’m closing the stores at 5pm on Christmas Eve.

I had a salted caramel mocha at Starbucks today. Only they didn’t have the salt. So it was just a caramel mocha. Very disappointing. Especially since I had to practically mortgage my house to buy it.

I could say that it just didn’t make me tingle …

Ugh. That was a stretch.

What I will say in closing is I’ll have a Christmas present for you all soon. If you like paranormal romance, that is …


2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

33 thoughts on “#SoCS – Kringle Ingle

  1. Kringle on fire. That’s kinda funny. Starbucks should be on fire and give you a coupon for a SALTED caramel mocha. Oh well. Find those moments of peace and joy along the way!


  2. Starbucks is a racket. I keep saying never again. Not worth the cost. Yet there I go. Over and over again.


  3. Very good Linda. Merry Christmas


  4. I did NOT know that an ingle was a fire in a fireplace. I guess that’s why another word for fireplace is inglenook. Okay!


  5. I think holidays throw everyone’s schedule off…


  6. Great poem Linda I would like to wish you and the boys a wonderful Christmas and a healthy New Year 💜


  7. Kringle in the Ingle? I hope HD sets out ok. Still, the reindeer will likely kid him about that. Congrats on being done with shopping. I hope you have a nice easy week.


  8. It’s Sunday here too, actually almost lunchtime. Just to say my husband’s a teacher and he keeps asking me what day it is now he’s on hols!


  9. I love your fun poem, Linda. and ingle…..


  10. Well, I look forward to the Romance, Linda!!


  11. Great use of the prompt, Linda. I am looking forward to your surprise.


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