Life in progress


Concerning Just Jot it January 2020

I’m working on organizing this year’s JuJoJan. If you’re not familiar with what that is, there will be a post soon with all the details, the rules, and what you can expect if you’d like to join in.

The real purpose of this post is to let you know that my area is expecting 20-30mm of freezing rain overnight and mixtures of rain and snow all the way up to 6pm on Tuesday. The possibility of losing power is so great, I’m planning to schedule a bunch of posts to last the blog through ’til Saturday.

These will include:

1. The Rules post for Just Jot it January 2020, scheduled for December 31st.

2. One-Liner Wednesday/JusJoJan Day 1.

3. The Escapist Coloring Club Prompt January 1st.

4. The JusJoJan prompt for Thursday (Day 2).

5. Same for Day 3 plus the Friday SoCS prompt, which will also be the JusJoJan prompt for Day 4.

6. The request for JusJoJan prompts for the week starting January 5th–I’ll post that on Saturday the 4th without scheduling it.

In the event that I don’t show up online, I’d appreciate it if those of you who have participated in JusJoJan before would help those with questions. If I lose my power, I’ll try to at least get word out. Watch my Instagram feed @linda.g.hill as it will likely be easier to post there than anywhere. It’s the only app I have on my phone.

If, for some reason, I’m not back by Saturday, just link your posts to the December 31st Rules post and write whatever you want since there won’t be any prompts. And if I don’t lose my power, at least I’ll have all that done in advance!

Any questions, let me know. Watch for the Rules post first thing December 31st! All posts will be scheduled for 2am EST except the Friday SoCS prompt and the Coloring prompt, which will go out as usual at 9:30am EST.



#SoCS – The Year 2019

It’s been a long year. Normally I’m wondering where the time has gone, but this year–2019–has been extra eventful, it seems. Thank goodness the hospitalizations of my mother and Alex, my youngest son, ended by the spring. My mum has fallen a few times this year, but (touch wood) she hasn’t broken her neck again. The smoking is usually the culprit. She always loses her balance outside.

On a personal note, the year has been productive. I’ve either written or finished two novels and three novellas over the past twelve months, on top of my job as an editor. It’s nice to have that sense of accomplishment.

Today I accomplished tripping up a curb while out walking with Alex. I managed to get my hands out of my pockets before I faceplanted on the pavement, thank goodness. But I have a goose egg on my knee, a nice bruise on one elbow, and my knuckles look like I’ve been in a fistfight.

And I don’t even smoke.

For those wondering if I’m doing Just Jot It January 2020, the answer is yes. I’ll post about it soon, I hope. The busy-ness of 2019 continues, and not having had a break from Alex since the beginning of July (aside from my weekend in Kingston when I was as sick as a dog) and no idea when I will again, I tend to be tired most of the time.

But I’m getting there. One step at a time.

Trying not to trip and fall.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley!

This post is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the following link to find all the other posts in the comment section and see how you can join in. It’s fun!