Life in progress


One-Liner Wednesday – A Quote

“If you focus on what you’ve left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead.”
-Gusteau, from the movie Ratatouille


T is for … Target Audience

You’re lining up to cash out at the grocery store. There’s a guy in his mid-twenties behind you and a woman in front of you. The woman is arguing with a child who wants a chocolate bar. You think to yourself, just buy it and shut the kid up. The guy behind you says as much under his breath but loud enough for you to hear. Which one of these people do you relate to? If you actually thought, just buy it… then it’s the guy behind you. On the surface you are in cahoots. But if you’re a parent, you probably thought, that poor woman, and chances are you relate to her on a deeper level. Why? Because you probably share experiences.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the things which connect us as human beings are that which we relate to when we read a book. The more we can relate, and get into the mind of the protagonist or even the antagonist, the more we’ll enjoy the novel.

Back to my scenario at the beginning. Assuming you’re a parent, you can probably understand on some level what it’s like to have a child who, at one time or another, acted out. Yes, there are people out there with perfectly behaved children in public. Perhaps they only go out on days that the sun shines. I have no idea. But not to belabor the point, let’s go instead to the guy standing behind you. If you agreed with him then you can relate, but only to a point. His situation and his attitude aren’t as obvious as the harried mother’s. But that doesn’t mean you can’t write a book he’d be interested in reading. It probably wouldn’t have children in it. Then again, the mother’s ideal novel probably wouldn’t either. She’s looking for an escape.

So is the solution to never put kids into your novels? Maybe. Or maybe you just need to think about who is going to relate to your characters–their lives and their emotions–to find your target audience.


Things are coming to a head in the story of Jupiter and Xavier! Have a read – just click here:

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Free eBook Promotion Today

Free for a limited time: Plaster Scene by Michael J. Holley! Don’t hesitate – pick it up today! And while you’re at it, support an indie author by re-blogging to spread the word!

Michael J Holley - Writer

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The critically acclaimed comedy novel, Plaster Scene, is available to download for FREE today on Amazon. It has a 4.8 star rating, so why not find out what it’s all about.

It’s the first time I’ve ever requested a FREE promotion and I’m eager to see how successful it turns out. The promotion will last for 3 days and I hope to receive an abundance of downloads which in turn should push the book up into the realms of visibility.

As this blog is my home turf and you are my people, I’m pleading with you all to download it on to your devices. It’ll cost you no more than a few seconds of your valuable time and, in return, I promise to be grateful. Once you’ve downloaded it for FREE yourselves, you could then use up another few seconds and tell a friend to do the same.

By sharing the love, you’ll…

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