Life in progress

#SoCS – Describable


This is a post I’ve been procrastinating on all day, because … there is nothing to describe. It is, of course, about the attacks on Paris. The attacks all over the world, but understandably it is Paris we relate to because if it can happen at a concert somewhere in the “civilized” Western world then it can happen in our own back yards. But that’s not where my mind is going. Where my mind is going is how do we stop it.

I’ve spent the day considering how a follower of Tao, as I am, would handle this and the only thing I can come up with is this: teach by example. We must teach our children tolerance. We must be tolerant. Human suffering goes on everywhere. Yes, some suffering is more … extensive? That’s not really the word I’m looking for. Prolonged. Yes, prolonged. But suffering is a human condition. And until we can teach our children that we are all equal, whether we are disabled, or have different languages, or colour of skin, the truth is we are all human and we all feel the same things… until we can teach our kids that THAT is what is important and not what we believe is out there in the cosmos, or what might have created us or guided another human being to write a book – until we can teach our children that what really matters is that whomever our neighbour is that they feel the same things we feel and dream of the same happiness we dream of, until THEN, there will be wars and intolerance and discontentedness and hurt and pain in the name of that which only matters within the confines of our own minds and our own homes.

All lives are precious. ALL of them. This is not indescribable. It does not defy description. It transcends it.

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Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

13 thoughts on “#SoCS – Describable

  1. I have a bumper sticker on the back of my car that reads, “Be the change you wish to see in your children.”

    It’s not just there for other people to see. It’s there to remind me, too.

    I love what you’ve written here, Linda, and I’ve got about five blogposts worth of thoughts spinning in my head because of it. They aren’t concrete enough to expound on yet, but…

    As you’ve probably long since guessed, I don’t take a mainstream approach to parenting. My kids, now 14 and 11, remain school free and largely autonomous. Rather than teaching them tolerance, we’ve created an accepting home life – and we extend that outward to others.

    The best thing I can do, I think, is to live a peaceful life, and give the world not only that part of myself, but also two children who have been raised in peace, and accepted as they are.

    I think that the concept of teaching children that we are equal may be harder than it seems in many Western homes. A great many children are discriminated against in their own homes simply because they ARE children, and not seen as equal to their parents. Maybe that’s the place to start.

    It’s where I started. My children understand equality in large part because they know that, here in this family, their likes, dislikes, wants, fears, projects, and priorities are not held in lesser regard than their parents’. They extend this acceptance quite naturally to everyone they meet.

    It’s maybe not the only answer (I hope it’s not), but it’s my beginning place.

    Dona Noblis Pacem….


  2. Will we realize this before we perish? I believe so but it really does start with the children. Lovely post!


  3. A thoughtful and thought provoking post. I agree with what you say and am fascinated with your statement that you follow the Tao. The Way of the Tao speaks to me too.


  4. I agree totally Linda….in a world beset with greed as the driving force behind so much, tolerance is a virtue we much espouse to all around us…..


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