Life in progress

Just Jot It January 16th – What #SoCS


What should I write about? Should it be about the puppy, who is now ripping my front door mat to shreds? (Not conducive to writing a SoCS post at all.) Or should I write about the fact that by the time this post is published I’ll be firmly ensconced in a hotel room, dreaming the night away? Yes, it’s my first night of sleep since November 29th. I’m looking forward to it.

Should I write about… how nice it is not to have to listen to the TV when I’m sitting in the living room with my Deaf son while he’s watching whatever he likes? I’m surprised when the sound is on – that’s how often it happens. He’s really the only one who watches it.

Ah, there are endless possibilities when the prompt is so open. It’s almost overwhelming, isn’t it? I sincerely hope that doesn’t sound conceited. I know I’m the one who came up with the prompt, but honestly I never have much of an idea what I’m going to write until I sit down to do it. Any more than you do. Hey, there’s a question – do you like the completely open-ended prompts like “what”? or do you prefer when it’s a more concrete one? Personally I enjoy the balance between the two.

Anyway, my ex is on his way to watch the kids for the weekend. Unless his mom told him about the puppy (hi Lucie!) he has no idea he’s looking after an extra soul this weekend. Surprise!! Hehe. Word.

The “what” prompt is brought to you by Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click here to join in, and leave your link for everyone to see!

SoCS badge 2015

JJJ 2016

To find the rules for Just Jot It January, click here. Join in today! It’s never too late! And don’t forget to ping back your January 16th post here at this post.

Note: If you combine SoCS and JusJoJan in one post, make sure you ping back to both this post and the Friday Reminder post.

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

64 thoughts on “Just Jot It January 16th – What #SoCS

  1. Opened ended prompts like these are a little more challenging . But, i think it’s more in the spirit of stream of conscious writing. It’s really hard to plan a prompt like this. So it really is a sit down and see what happens type of thing. With other prompts even if you try not to plan , as soon as you read the word or object you kind of subconsciously start planning.

    I hope this weekend you get much needed rest.


  2. Pingback: What Happened? SoCS 1/16/16 | Container Chronicles

  3. Great post, Linda… I think I prefer something more concrete though. My post ended up sounding like a bad skit. Anyway, it was a challenge! Thanks!


  4. Pingback: #JusJoJan — What? SoCS? – Forty, c'est Fantastique !

  5. Good write, Linda. I hope you enjoy your time away. 🙂


  6. Pingback: The Vague in the What? | Promptly Written

  7. Pingback: Snape (16.1.16) – Dean'z Doodlez

  8. Pingback: “What DO You Mean?” The IDIC Romance for #JusJoJan and #SoCS | shanjeniah's Lovely Chaos

  9. Pingback: JUST JOT IT JANUARY – # 16 … SOCS – WHAT | teleportingweena

  10. Pingback: JusJoJan: Depending on God | TOTS OF A BLACK GIRL

  11. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Circles, Spirals, and Song Lyrics #JusJoJan #SoCS | Her Headache

  12. Pingback: what | adarkenedhouse

  13. Think the sleep will be a good thing. Don’t know how you do all you do.


  14. Sounds like it is a well-deserved break! Have a fab time and loving the prompt – possibilities 🙂 🙂 time to get writing! KL ❤


  15. I so totally hope you’ve slept well, and that you get to again tonight!


  16. Pingback: JusJoJan & SoCS — The Long What | joeyfullystated

  17. Pingback: Just Jot It January – #SoCS – Just Plain Ol' Vic

  18. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Day sixteen… | Diary of an Internet Nobody.

  19. Well I’m new to the SoCS prompt so time will tell which sort I prefer. Oh yes I think I will be back for more! 🙂 Enjoy your break.


  20. I like the balance too. Enjoy your rest with sweet dreams and relaxing smiles! 🙂


  21. Have a nice and relaxed weekend Linda 🙂


  22. Pingback: Just Jot It January 16 | fiddledeedeebooks

  23. Pingback: SoCS -What? | fiddledeedeebooks

  24. Great post, and I hope you manage to get a nice, peaceful rest 🙂


  25. Pingback: JusJoJan the 16th – What (#SoCS) | inspiration in progress

  26. Pingback: SoCS: What? –

  27. Pingback: Snow This Morning | ladyleemanila

  28. Pingback: WTF? – Coming At You Live

  29. I like the mixture of the two as well. Sometimes the limitless possiblities can be overwhelming, but usually it’s still loads of fun.
    Enjoy your time to yourself. Love how you end off this one.


  30. Pingback: Just Jot It January 16th – What #SoCS | Edwina's Episodes

  31. Suffering from sleep deprivation myself – my cat is punishing me for a visit to the vet she had to have. That What prompt is lovely. Had something handy from some time back which fitted perfectly I think and I hope people enjoy.


  32. Hi Linda I hope you got away and that you ex did not bulk at the puppy :)!!
    I like both types of prompts the open ended ones are harder definitely! This week I had no idea what to write until I went to ‘blogs’ to start and found the format had changed Arrrrrrrrrrgh!
    Just a thought is there no mute button on you TV or remote!
    Have a restful silent night and day. xxxxx


  33. Pingback: Just Jot It January:Stream Of Consciousness Saturday: What. | willowdot21

  34. Well I hope you have the best time away, a weekend without TV and kids will be treasured I am sure. What about the handsome knight in shiny armour about to knock on our door? You didn’t mention him? Or is he just a figment of my imagination, well?


    • Ah, wouldn’t that be nice. The place I’m staying would be suited for it too – one of the walls in my room is the original exposed stone and mortar. It’s an inn built in 1839. Already taken pictures. 😀


  35. Watching the tv with no sound is familiar to me too. My autistic grandson watches Pingu over and over on the DVD. Always the same episode and always without sound. It gets quite mesmerising watching it with him sometimes. I rather like the ‘what’ prompt and am off to write something right now. I hope you enjoy your night off. All the best – Suzanne


    • I tried to get my son into Pingu, since there are no words anyway, but he just wasn’t interested. Thanks for your good wishes, Suzanne. 🙂


      • It is hard to find what interest them. Pingu is a fairly new one for my grandson. He gets obsessed with something for a few months then moves on to a new thing. We can’t really influence him. He is very self willed. I hope you have a good rest on your night off. Caring for the disabled is very tiring.


  36. Woah, that’s a lo-o-ong time to go without a proper night’s sleep! I hope you enjoy it.


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