Life in progress

…on this difficult day


It’s been a rough day, both emotionally and financially. I’m having a hard time concentrating; I wonder if writing it out will help.

I was sitting down to breakfast with my best friend, John, when Winston came in from playing in the back yard, huffing like he was choking on something. He ran around a little and then he tried to lay down but every time he did, he whined like it hurt. After watching this go on for a few minutes I decided to take him to the vet. They checked him out as soon as we arrived. Since his gums were pink and he didn’t seem to be in any immediate danger, they left us waiting for about twenty minutes. By the time the vet came to see him he was filling up with air – his stomach was bloated and getting worse by the minute. They tried to vent his tummy with a nasogastric tube but nothing came out. X-rays showed that his stomach was twisted. They’d have to operate.

So we left him there and a couple of hours later they called with good news; they got the air out while he was anesthetized and thought maybe he didn’t need surgery after all. If all went well, I was to pick him up at 4:30. At 4:25 the vet called. He needed surgery after all. The gas had come back.

Almost three painstaking hours later the vet called me. He’d come out of surgery okay and the repair was done, but they still don’t know why he filled up with gas. Anyway, there are no foreign objects in there and all his inner pathways are now clear. The vet said that they’d keep him overnight but of course there’s no one there to watch him, to see if he fills up again. So the vet is going to take him home with her. Wow, right? Probably close to $2,500 worth of wow. All for a free puppy.

Oh, and I lost one of my silver rings today.

They say bad things come in threes. Hopefully losing my “f”‘s will count for the third.

Please send positive thoughts.



Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

117 thoughts on “…on this difficult day

  1. Holy ‘Uck’ Linda! I hope you’re 3 whammys are done! Sending you positive thoughts!!!! 🙂


  2. Poor puppy. Bloat is so unusual in young dogs. Our Riggsie died of bloat, but he was too old for the surgery. Had he only been only 13 weeks old, I would have opted for the surgery, too – a dog that young should be saved. In the long run, you won’t regret the expenditure.


  3. I’m hoping for the best for Winston, Linda G, and so is Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle. ❤


  4. Oh my, sending as many positive vibes I can your way! *virtual hug*


  5. Seeing this late, because I was sucked into my story world, but sending along many many wishes for a healthy Winston and a healthy budget. And all the f’s anyone could need at a time that seems to scream for them.


  6. Praying for you and Winston and your finances. Hang in there. 😦


  7. Sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope that things are improving on all counts.


  8. I’m so sorry to hear of all your difficulties. Hope you and WInston both are back on your feet soon.


  9. Hope today gets better for you, sending lots of love to you and Winston!


  10. Poor Winston, good that you brought him in to the vet Linda. Send good vibes your way.


  11. I hope that your dog comes out of this okay and that no more problems arise. It is a lot to pay, but I’m sure your pup will be forever grateful that you made the sacrifice.


  12. Sorry to hear it. It’s a very good thing you took him to the vet.


  13. Sending waves of healing white light for little Winston, and strength to you.


  14. So sorry…wishing you the best outcome for that adorable pup.


  15. Sorry to hear that, don’t you have pet insurance out there?


  16. Just read this, am hoping that all will be good for you n your family! Sending thoughts n prayers for good results!


  17. Hope things improve now that the 3s have passed (losing fs counts big time!).
    Thinking of you more than usual. Let us know how it works out.


  18. Just read this. Sending lots of good thoughts! And (((((hugs))))) if not inappropriate.
    Losing the ucking fs was definitely the 3rd thing. And sometimes, rings find their way back to fingers.


  19. Sending lots of positive love and good thoughts. Praying that Winston will be okay and soon, bleed him. I am sure the F’s are the third thing.
    I know vet bills are astronomical, have you got pet insurance. Thinking of you all. xxxx


  20. Aww poor guy…hope he’s gonna be ok…so no complaints when he lets one go…under the sheets?


  21. I’m thinking about Winston, such a deserving name for that cute little number. Please keep us posted, when you can.


  22. What a day! Rest up and I hope your puppy is well tomorrow!


  23. I prayed for Winston and that you might know that God loves you


  24. Losing your f’s is definitely the third thing. I hope your puppy recovers quickly.


  25. Oh, I am sending you lots of positive thoughts and hugs! I’ve been where you are and it hurts but you do what you have to do. Winston is lucky to have you caring for him. And what a great name for a pup 🙂


  26. I am so sorry Linda to hear what happened. Did the vet finally find out what caused that? Maybe it is something he ate outside. Please keep me posted.


    • The vet has no idea what caused it. Apparently no one does, but it’s fairly common. It’s called GVD (I did some research) if you’d like to get more details about it. He’s doing better this morning. 🙂 Thanks for your concern, Lucie. I’ll let you know what happens.


  27. Prayers said, positive thoughts sent, along with hugs.


  28. Ah, Winston is adorable. He is lucky to have someone who cares enough to follow your gut and head directly to the vet AND shell out the bucks on surgery. You absolutely saved his life. Feel good about that. I hope you will receive excellent news in the morning, that Winston can come home. Hugs to you.

    ☀ Memee


  29. Ah man! That doesn’t like fun at all for both of you. Lots of love to Winston and Best wishes to you, Linda! You know, I saw this yesterday somewhere: HOPE (Hold On Pain Ends) 😉


  30. sending positive thoughts your way, wishing for the best, take care, Linda 🙂


  31. Oh, no…poor little puppy! Glad they caught it fast, and such a good vet for taking him home with her overnight. Try to get some rest. Sending wishes for speedy healing for Winston. ❤


  32. So glad you got him into the vet in time! Best of wishes for a speedy recovery for your furry family member.


  33. I’ve been there more than a few times with the cats over the years. Hope the puppy will be okay. You’re in my thoughts.


  34. Here are all the best thoughts I can muster. Yes, the “f” was the third thing.


  35. What an adorable pudge! Sending good thoughts to him (and you!).


  36. I am sorry this has happened. I know how much pressure I felt when my guide dog was sick and the vet wanted to make her comfrtable. Of course I wanted that too, but the cost of vet bills is a stress all its own. I hope he heals well.


  37. Sending some love your way. Hope everything turns out okay.


  38. Sending love and well wishes to you and Winston. ❤️❤️❤️


  39. He is in my prayers!


  40. Oh my goodness! I hope that’s the last of your trials for many, many days! May your next bad thing be your day getting ruined by having to go all the way to the bank to deposit a large check! lol
    Best wishes to you, always! ❤


  41. Ugh. I am so so sorry for you. Stomach torsion is deadly and you are lucky that you got him there so quickly. Hope he heals quickly and so does your heart…..and your wallet. 😦


    • Thank you, my dear. 🙂 I really need to read up on it a bit more, see what might be in store.


      • It can be caused by anything and nothing. Some think it can be related to exercise after eating…..wolves are predators who run to earn their food, and sleep after….so the theory is that domesticated dogs aren’t built for the other way around. Good luck, friend.


        • Thank you. 🙂 That makes sense. Though I don’t think he did a lot of running yesterday morning, I can’t be sure since I wasn’t watching him outside.
          Anyway, he had a good night and is doing better this morning. I’ll write a post later when I know more.


  42. Oh dear. Hope Winston is on the mend soon! He’s such a cutie. A beagle?


  43. Sending hugs, prayers and warm thoughts! I have a basset named Winston –awesome name, right? =) Hang in there!


  44. I hope your baby is doing much better in the morning.


  45. Sending prayers. Hoping poor Winston will be ok.

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Oh no! Poor Winston! Poor You! Sending love and best wishes to both you and puppy! x

    Liked by 1 person

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