Life in progress

#SoCS – Holidays and Responsibilities


I have to buy Easter eggs for next weekend to hide, for my youngest son to find. It’s going to be interesting this year with the puppy, making sure the right being finds the eggs. Apparently chocolate isn’t good for dogs anymore. I used to give it to my mother’s poodles all the time – no one told me not to. It didn’t seem to cause them any problems.

I must be a terrible mother. I hate deadlines to start with, but holiday deadlines are the worst. Easter, Christmas, birthdays… even getting ready for the day after Labour Day when the kids go back to school is a huge chore for me. I think it’s because I put so much pressure on myself to get it done. It’s more the stress of knowing I have to do it than actually having to do it. Shopping, that is. I really can’t stand shopping. But not as much as I hate deadlines.

I got egged once. You know how sometimes kids go around and egg cars at Hallowe’en? Well one Hallowe’en night when I was a teenager – it might have been either the last or the second-last year I went out trick or treating – I sat down on the curb to have a rest and a car came by and someone threw an egg out the window and hit me square in the middle of the forehead. Luckily I was close to home – I went and got changed and went back out again.

I have no idea where I was going with that story. But there it is.

This post doesn’t feel very much like Stream of Consciousness. I think I’m too stressed over the eggs. I wish there was a way to get out of my mind once in a while, you know?

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This post is part of Stream of Consciousness Saturday. Click the link and join in!

Author: Linda G. Hill

There's a writer in here, clawing her way out.

43 thoughts on “#SoCS – Holidays and Responsibilities

  1. Our dog ate last year’s advent calendar and had to be sick induced. Daughter is a vet student so no chances allowed! I think, given the option Dog would have taken the risk…


  2. My mother’s memory wasn’t eggsactly the brightest yolk; mushy, messy chocolate eggs would be found in the sofa around Eggust (ok, an eggtra-long stretch on word play). We had the same sofa for over 40 years. That’s a lot of chocolate build-up. No wonder I’m eggdicted to the stuff. PS: I wasn’t allowed chocolate, so it was my father who lost out — the latest yolk was on him.
    This is why I didn’t soc — my creativity is eggausted, whilst yours and many others are well-rested and frisky.


  3. I remember teenagers egging kids on Halloween! Dirty business. Hiding Easter eggs was always my favorite thing to do when my kids were young. Trust me – you’ll miss it when they’re too old.


  4. I loved the egg interruption. Had to laugh at the vision.


  5. I would get stressed on holidays or even birthdays when gifts and party planning are required. It’s crazy that we stress ourselves out with this stuff but we do. I know I did too. ❤


  6. I once took a young kitten away on a camping weekend at Easter because I couldn’t leave it behind and it found my white chocolate Easter egg in the tent and ate a big hole in it. There didn’t seem to be any ill effects.
    If chocolate is bad for dogs should we be feeding it to our children?


  7. I don’t eggzactly understand this American egging thing and throwing them ?! What for ? When I was just a rugrat we used to paint eggs for Easter and grow grass seeds on plates. I know, that sounds kinda weird now… when our kids were little (which they are not anymore) we used to have easter egg hunts. One year I bought a huge lot of those little solid ones that I hid at toddler height all over the yard and in flower pots. Easter Sunday we found lots of bits of empty foil around the place and not many eggs. Our dog had gone on her own Easter egg hunt ! She lived to tell the tale 🙂


  8. Dog reactions to chocolate vary considerably from dog to dog and the amount of chocolate/kind of chocolate. Some get sick, some get vet sick, and some don’t have any reaction at all. As far as I know, Sadie had her first chocolate over the holidays. She does well with “Leave it” but when a precious toddler pretty much gives her a cookie, well, she’s nothing if not polite. So into her mouth went the chocolate cookie and we took her out a lot and we waited and absolutely nothing happened. We were rather relieved 🙂
    Yes, I can tell you are stressed about the eggies. You may recall how much my husband enjoys basket shopping? Too bad he can’t do it for you.
    When I was 13, our house got egged. I had to clean it. I recall being angry with my parents, but really, I’d have my kids clean it, too. It’s not likely adults egged the house, now is it? lol


  9. The dog/chocolate thing is a bit of a myth, the dog in question would need to eat half its body weight in chocolate before it was in too much danger.
    Here’s the best article I remember on the subject…


  10. Hope you get your eggs / plans sorted. Glad we’re past all that with no young kids to worry about.


  11. I was egging you on Linda to the end….then you got egged literally and I felt egghausted at the thought of someone egging me. Though I have found what used to be an egg on the side of my house one time. Good luck with the egg hiding that sounds a challenging task. Maybe they have to be above dog nose height?


  12. You being hit on the head with an egg, Linda, reminds me of the Mexican tradition of those confetti filled eggs. They’re called Cascarones, and either you make them from real eggs, or buy them pre-made at the store. It’s for cracking over people’s heads! Do they do that where you are? It’s everywhere here in Tx.


  13. Linda… the last time that we had eggs, there was one egg my nephew forgot about until July. o_o Thank god it was a chocolate egg.


  14. Bless you Linda! I hope you get your eggs sorted!
    I got egged once, driving my children to their swimming lesson, when it was dark. Some little kid, who appeared to have been ‘egged’ on by older kids, threw one at my windscreen. I remembered the advice to not use our wipers, as they make the egg spread in a way that you then cannot see, and I was running late, but I saw red, reversed and turned the car… I gave good chase but the kid disappeared through an alleyway! Oh I was fuming!!!!!


  15. I am so relieved that my kids are grown and gone, and I don’t have to do any of that holiday stuff any more. If hating holiday deadlines makes you a bad mother, then welcome to the Bad Mother Club. Holidays add way too much additional stress.


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