Life in progress

#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – Jan 24th Elusive


Hello Everyone. It is Judy here again from Edwina’s Episodes  on my last day of standing in for Linda. It has been a real pleasure getting to meet you, and reading your posts.

I hope Linda had a wonderful birthday, and look forward to her returning tomorrow bright-eyed and bushy-tailed! It has been quite an eye-opener seeing how much work goes into organising and maintaining  this challenge (despite me only keeping things ticking over, Linda, of course, did all the leg work) and I renew my thanks to Linda for keeping it going this year for all of us that so enjoy taking part!

Sorry, I have rabbited on a bit, so let’s get down to your prompt words for today!

The Just Jot It January 24th  prompt, brought to you by Evelyn of Eclectic Evelyn, is: “Elusive.” Use it any way you’re inspired to. And make sure you stop by and say hi to Evelyn as well! Here’s her blog:


The rules for Just Jot It January are as follows:

1. It’s never too late to join in! Here, we run on the honour system; the “jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post, it can even be a grocery list) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to your blog that day, great! If it waits a week to get from a sticky note to your screen, no problem!

2. The prompts will be posted every day at 2am my time (GMT -5). You don’t have to follow the prompt word, but this will be where you leave your link for others to see. Make sure you link your post to the correct day’s prompt. There will be a post like this every day except Wednesday, when the prompt is simply my One-Liner Wednesday, and Saturday, when you’ll find the prompt on my usual Friday Reminder post for Stream of Consciousness Saturday (SoCS).

3. As long as your blog is on WordPress, you’ll be able to link via pingback. To execute a pingback, just copy the URL from the daily prompt post, and paste it anywhere in your post. Check to make sure your link shows up where you want it to, and go back occasionally to see other bloggers’ entries – the more you visit others, the more they’ll visit you! If you’re participating from another blogging host, just drop a link into the comment section. Note: The newest pingbacks and comments will be at the top.

4. Tag your post JusJoJan and/or #JusJoJan.

5. Write anything! Any length will do! It can even be a photo or a drawing – you’re going to title it, right? There’s your jot!

6. The prompts are here both to remind you and to inspire you to write. However, you don’t have to use the prompt word of the day. You can link any kind of jot back here. Even your shopping list. Note: If it’s 18+ content, please say so in a comment with your link.

7. If you’d like to, use the JusJoJan badge (above) in your post so that others can find your post more easily.

8. Have fun!

If you’d like to look ahead to see the upcoming prompt words, click this link: You can always write your post ahead of time and schedule it to come out on the appropriate day.

Author: Judy E Martin

In my (very) early 50s, wife and mum, have worked in the community and hospital settiings as an Associate Practitioner (nursing). I have now just started on my journey to obtain my degree in nursing so am a student again! I come from a large family (plenty of ammo there for my blog), I love music (as long as it's 1980's or before), and words (so much we can do with them)! Oh, and last of all, I love to laugh, and hopefully make others laugh as well!

25 thoughts on “#JusJoJan Daily Prompt – Jan 24th Elusive

  1. Pingback: Just Jot It Jan 24 – Elusive | Linda G. Hill

  2. Thanks so much, Judy! Your help has been invaluable! 😀 ❤


  3. Pingback: Get Smart(phone) – Top of JC's Mind

  4. Pingback: #JustJoJan Daily Prompt – Jan. 24th/17 | Just Plain Ol' Vic

  5. Pingback: Jusjojan-Elusive – All About Writing and more

  6. Pingback: JustJot It January : Day 24 Elusive. | willowdot21

  7. Pingback: Elusive Butterfly #JusJoJan – The Sound of One Hand Typing

  8. Pingback: Just Jot It January: Day 24 – “Elusive” | fallonbrownwrites

  9. I have enjoyed having you in even more places 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Funeral Hat | joeyfullystated

  11. Pingback: perfect peach (#cyw/jusjojan) – Lorraine's frilly freudian slip

  12. Pingback: #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – Jan 24th Elusive | Darswords

  13. Pingback: #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – Jan. 24th/17 – Elusive – Ladyleemanila

  14. Pingback: #JuJoJan January 24th Elusive

  15. Pingback: #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – Jan 24th Elusive – All About Writing and more

  16. Pingback: #JusJoJan Daily Prompt – Jan. 24th/17 – Elusive | But I Smile Anyway...

  17. Pingback: Out of The Blue: An Incomplete Portrait – Thoughts of Words

  18. Pingback: Mystery Mansion | Notes Tied On The Sagebrush

  19. Thanks for hosting, Judy I am able to post today, after some finishing touches, at around 6:30 pm Pacific Standard Time. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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